Act 10-Preparation

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Nadi threw herself on her bed and looked on the ceiling, hugging the pillow. She just finished taking a bath and it had been two days since she lost conscious and had been staying in Akashi's room.

"What am I doing? I was down with fever for two days. More to that, I was in his room. His room, the place he do all he wants to do." Nadi touched her lips and closed her eyes "His kiss, his touch, I really couldn't resist them. I couldn't resist him. I fall in love with him, again" She sighed and opened her eyes "I must clean his room. He might get a cold if I don't clean them." Nadi sat down and looked around the room "I wonder where is Mikoto. I feel like I haven't seen her for a long time" she stretched her arms and stood up "I better go back and clean. I need my best to hide it too" She tied her hair and saw Mikoto's reading glass. She got it and wear it. "I better write a note for her" She wrote a note for Mikoto. She put the pen on the drawer and there she saw her silver bracelet.

Nadi got it and put it on her wrist. However, she hid it under the wristband that was part of her maid outfit. After putting the note on Mikoto's bed she left the room.

Nadi walked out of her room and was on her way to Akashi's room when she noticed the guards running around the grand stairs.

"Ah, Kudou-san, did you see Koharu-sama? Nadeshiko-sama is looking for her" one guard asked as he was panting heavily. Nadi had a glanced on Akashi's big picture that was displayed near the grand stair and chuckled. She shook her head and smiled to the guard

"I apologize, but I don't know where she is." She answered and it was then Midorima came and they immediately noticed how gloomy he was "Midorima-sama, you looked so down"

"Ah, Nadi" He sighed pushing his eyeglass. "I'm looking for something" He answered and the guard also asked the same thing but he shook his head and told him that he didn't know. Once the guard left, he glimpsed to Akashi's picture and shook his head.

Nadi chuckled that made Midorima curious "Ah sorry, you are looking for something, I'm looking for someone"


"Ah, no. I'm looking for my friend that is also working here. How about Midorima-sama, what are you looking? Lucky item?" Midorima pushed his eyeglass and suspiciously asked Nadi how did she know about his lucky item. She cleared her throat and chuckled "Well, Kuroko-san and the others mentioned that you usually bring lucky item. The badminton that they were using in the ranch, it was your lucky item, right?"

"I see." Midorima sighed and folded his arms "Actually, I lost the bracelet my parents gave to me. And my lucky item today is a precious item given by parents. I don't know where I put it."

"That's sad. But as for me, I will put my important thing under my pillow, or on my side table drawer." Nadi commented then held her wrist "I have mine too. The bracelet my parents gave to me" she said then showed to Midorima.

"W-wait, can I see it?" Midorima nervously asked her that she willingly gave. Midorima gulfed as he held the bracelet. "It was the same as mine, but this one was somehow rusty. And the letters, NAD///I//. This is Nadeshiko's. She is really Nadeshiko"

"You have the same face with Akashi-sama when he borrowed that"

"Akashi saw this one too?"

Nadi nodded and told Midorima about what Akashi did. Midorima stared on Nadi and somehow he wanted to hug her. "Anyway, you can borrow that if you want. Since it's also a precious thing, it might help you"

"Then I will borrow this today. By the way, I will ask this in curiosity"


"If you will give me a nickname, what will it be?"

The Lost Memories of Love (Akashi FanFiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora