Act 16-How Far is Forever?

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Nadi didn't know how she should react. Would she be happy? Mad? Or embarrassed? Mikoto and Tiana chuckled and patted her shoulder. In front of their school was a luxurious white car that Nadi didn't bother to know what kind of car it was.

"I thought he would send someone in the house to pick me up"

"As expected from Akashi-sama" Mikoto chuckled and waved at Nadi

"Have a nice weekend, Nadi" Tiana also waved at her and the two left her dumbfounded

"Wait, why don't you just go with me?!"

"We are stopping by somewhere!" The two shouted back, and teasingly laughed at Nadi

Nadi looked at the driver of the car who was standing straight, smiling at her. She sighed and just walked towards him

"Good afternoon, Nadeshiko-sama. I'm here to pick you up as per Seijuro-sama's order." The driver said opening the door

"Uhm, can we stop by downtown market? I just need to buy flowers"

"I understand"

Nadi got in the car and she didn't care anymore the other students looking at her. The week ended peacefully for her, and for some reason girls and guys weren't bothering her anymore.

They headed to downtown market and she told the driver to just wait her in the car. She headed to the flower shop and before entering, she excitedly approached one familiar face


"Kudou?! Oh now you are Midorima's sister." Kagami smiled as he touched the back of his head "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to buy a bouquet of flower, then will head to the palace, how about Kagami?"

"Same, Alex asked me to buy one for her"

Nadi chuckled as the two of them went inside the flower shop "Oh by the way, I heard that Shuzo-san and the others stayed in your house. Thank you"

"I heard from Kuroko what happened, and my house is big enough for them. Not as big as yours though." Kagami chuckled as the two of them wonder around "I also heard about grandma Chie"

"Ah, yeah" her small response and smiled towards Kagami "Ah, found Tsubaki. How about you? What are you buying, Kagami-kun?"

"Then I'll buy Tsubaki too" He chuckled and also got a bouquet of flower "But isn't it supposed the other way in your case? Akashi should give you the flower"

"Ah, this is not for Sei-chan, this if Shiori-san. Ah, but I should buy also for Sei-chan, since I haven't put one on his vase" She chuckled and got another bouquet

The two bought the flowers and bid goodbye once they left the store. Nadi went back to the car and they headed to the palace. She was just talking to the driver with random things, and asking him how was his week.


"Akashi, about tomorrow, are you really going to announce it to everyone?" Midorima asked approaching Akashi who was dribbling the ball

"I am" His response as he shoot the ball

"Can't you wait until we all graduate?" He asked but Akashi looked at him sternly. He adjusted his eyeglass and sighed. Before leaving he made a one looked to Akashi and shook his head "you should know how she wanted to stay as Kudou Nadi, Akashi"

Akashi again dribbled the ball in his hand. He gripped it tightly before shooting to the hoop. He watched as the ball bounced down on the floor. He took a deep breath before ordering his team to run 20 laps around the gym. Everyone wondered why, but they did what he ordered.

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