good night || marichat

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It didn't matter if Adrien was Chat Noir or just plain Adrien; he always hated the rain. And today wasn't an exception.

For now, it wasn't raining too hard so he decided to pay a little visit to someone. He rapidly transformed into Chat Noir, obviously ignoring Plagg's protests, and jumped out of the window. Chat ran and jumped as fast as he could, until he spotted the bakery.

He landed on the balcony silently and hurriedly knocked on the glassy door, shaking. As soon as he saw her rolling her eyes and nodding her head, he opened the doors and got in her room.

"What are you doing here in this weather, silly kitty?" She asked as she sipped on her tea and looked at him, amusement written all over her face as she watched him shaking his body just like a cat. She frowned slightly as water fell on her floor but simply choose to laugh it off, for now.

"I don't like the rain nor being alone." He mumbled looking down and she could still see his body shaking from the cold.

Marinette rolled her eyes as a small smile made it's way appeared on her face. She lazily put her mug down on her bedside table and opened her arms, motioning for him to come closer.

Chat smiled appreciatively at her as he walked over to where she was sitting on her bed and layed between her legs.

Wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder, he hid his face in the crook of her neck.

After covering them with her sheets, Marinette wasted no time in wrapping her arms around him as well, kissing the top of head.

"Good night, kitty cat." She whispered into his hair, feeling him humming in response. She smiled slightly and closed her eyes.

Adrien was well aware of the fact that when he had to face her tomorrow, he wouldn't be able to look her in the eye, let alone talk to her.

But he also knew that this was worth it because, for once, he wasn't alone during the thunderstorm. Instead, he was warm and comfortable and that was all that mattered in that moment.


Marinette felt movement during the night and she lazily opened her eyes, only to see Chat getting up. She grabbed his wrist with her eyes half closed, trying to tell him not to go but she was too tired and sleepy for that.

The girl felt him grabbing a hold of her hand and giving it a light squeeze, before putting it inside her sheets so she could be warmer.

Then, she felt him gently stroking her cheek and kissing her forehead.

"Thanks for letting me stay, I really appreciate it. Good night, Princess." Was the last thing she heard, before falling asleep once more.

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