her favorite cat || adrinette/marichat

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Ladybug was the current topic in Marinette's class. Everyone was praising the heroine, girls saying how they wish they could be like her and boys saying how cool it'd be to date her. But overall, they were all saying how much they wanted to meet the young heroine. Even Adrien and Chloé were participating in the conversation and Marinette felt herself blushing with every single compliment Adrien gave her\Ladybug.

Suddenly, someone brought Chat Noir up and everyone also started praising the black cat. Marinette couldn't explain it, but she felt somewhat happier that they were praising her partner instead of herself. Maybe it was because she often noticed that people mostly praised Ladybug and put Chat apart, she didn't know. What she did know, was that her happiness was ruined some moments after.

"Are you all stupid?! Chat Noir is horrible! He was supposed to protect me and yet he just left a foolish villain ruin my perfect beautiful room!" It was Chloé, of course.

It suddenly got quiet as every student and even the teacher stared at her like she had grown two heads. Marinette glared at her, biting the inside of her cheek so she wouldn't say anything she might regret later, even though she knew that she would never regret standing up for her kitty. Adrien was staring at Chloé with a blank expression on his face, he already knew that she didn't really like Chat so it wasn't really that big of a deal, neither did it hurt him at all.

"Uh, Chloé that is not true... Chat has saved lots of people..." This time, it was sweet, shy Rose who spoke as she too was staring at Chloé with a worried expression plastered on her face.

Some people started agreeing with her, defending the cat in every possible way. Adrien let out a small smile, looking around the classroom. Marinette, too, felt somewhat relieved that Chloé was the only one that thought that of her best friend, but even so she wouldn't leave that classroom without giving her a piece of her mind too.

"Shut up! None of you was there! You have no idea of how terrifying it was! My hair almost got ruined!" She shouted madly, pointing at her hair as Sabrine tried to calm her down but just got shut down by the Queen Bee herself. However, the protests of everyone else just got louder and ruder too.

"I said shut up! It doesn't matter what you low lives say, Lady would be better off without Chat Noir anyways!" She shouted once again, and everyone got quiet with that one statement. They were just too shocked to say anything. How could she be this ungrateful and rude?!

That remark hit Adrien like a train. He stared at her dumbfounded, she went too low with that comment. He dropped his head, shamefully playing with his fingers on his lap and thoughts invaded his mind. Was Chloé right, after all? Was he just a burden to Ladybug? He wanted to believe he wasn't, but something didn't let him stay positive.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from above him and he looked up alarmed, just to see Marinette with one of her hands on her table, the other pointing at Chloé, as she deeply glared at her.

"You shut up! You don't know anything you're saying! Chat is amazing, he's just as strong and brilliant as Ladybug! He is always putting himself in danger just to protect her! He almost died a couple of times for her! If they were to fight against one another, I think that Ladybug would win in the end, but only because of their weapons! If they didn't have their weapons then... The fight would go on for days! He ruined your perfect room and precious clothes?!" She asked her in a sarcastic tone, throwing her arms in the air. "I am sure that after they defeated the villain, everything went back to normal, so stop being such a brat and just shut up. I really hope I never hear you talking crap about him ever again, or you will regret it." She threatened, looking Chloé dead in the eye.

Everyone was shocked with that. Even more shocked than they were with Chloé's rude comment. So, sweet Marinette did have some guts after all uh? They couldn't believe it! Alya was also a little shocked, but was proudly looking at Marinette with a slight grin on her face.

"W-well, let's just continue our class okay?" The teacher stuttered, looking around. Marinette and Chloé were still glaring at each other, before Chloé "hmphed" and sat back on her seat, crossing both her arms and legs, looking impantietly at the teacher.

The ones who had also got up all sat down, that including Marinette herself. She looked down at her table and let out a long sigh, and then looked over to Alya with a grin on her face.

"Wow gurl! I wasn't expecting that at all! But you did good! Who does she think she is, insulting Chat like that?! But I am proud of you, Mari!" Alya exclaimed, hitting her shoulder slightly, while the two girls shared a silent laugh.

"Damn, dudette! I totally didn't know you had it in ya! You sounded like, way more than just a fangirl of Chat's! You sounded like you actually knew him pretty well!" Marinette and Alya looked straight ahead and saw Nino and Adrien grinning at them.

In any normal day, Marinette would have screamed upon noticing that Adrien had in fact listen to her outburst and was actually staring at her. But today was different, she was still shocked with herself and just let out a laugh, shaking her head at Nino.

"Well what can I say? ... Chat Noir is my favorite cat, after all."


Guys!! Lol, it's already 1am here but I just couldn't go to sleep without updating this. This is actually a big headcannon of mine, and I finally turned it into a "fic" today in class. So I totally had to share it with ya! Btw, do you think I should make a second part to this? One where Chat goes over to Marinette's and teases her but also thanks her? Thank you for the views, votes and comments! s2

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