texting || adrinette/ladynoir

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Hi Mari! :)

Adrien! Hi! :D

How are you? :)

Just fine, thanks. You? (:

I'm good. ;)
Sorry for the sudden message but I felt like talking to you. Am I bothering you? >.<

Not at all, God no! I like talking to you, and im currently struggling to create new designs, so your texts are kinda relaxing... :3

Oh! You're welcome??? xD
Are you making anything special rn? Like for a contest or something?

No, no. I simply want to make new designs ^^
Plus, Alya has been pestering me all week to make two pieces for that ladybug & chat noir magcon* thats happening next month -3-

Ahah, good luck! ;D
Do you have any idea on what you're gonna do?

Yeah... i wanted to make a ladybug dress, kinda like a maids, but red with a black dots on it! As for chat... i still dont know what to do ):

Well...Why don't you try to make a butler like costume? And you can put little green paws on it... So Ladybug's piece and Chat Noir's are matching???

Yes! :D thats an amazing idea adrien! Thanks! Im gonna work on it now, ttyl!

Ahah, no probs Mari! Hope you can work it out. Bye! :)

*end of convo*
*3 hours later*

Im hungry

Hello Hungry, I'm bored.



You just used the dad joke on me o: >:(

Did I? Ups... ;)

Youre horrible adrien ):

Sorry Mari, you know you're my friend and that I love you.



"My Lady, I have an idea." Chat Noir said out of nowhere, gazing down at the city in front of them.

"I'm kinda scared to ask what it is but... What is it?" Ladybug sighed, pinching the edge of her nose.

Chat smiled excitedly and bent down, becoming face to face with Ladybug but she was nowhere near fazed by that, making him pout slightly for a moment, before smiling again.

"Can you please, pretty please, give me your phone number?" He asked sweetly, tilting his head to the side, making Ladybug hiss because of how cute he looked.

"No." She said strickly, shoving his head away.

"Awe, please!" Chat frowned and held her hand.

They stayed there for a while just looking into each others eyes before Ladybug looked away sighing.

"Okay." He cheered and hugged her, kissing her cheek happily. "Thanks My Lady!"

"But!" She exclaimed, making him look at her. "You are not to be messaging me every damn second, got that Kitty?"

He nodded eagerly and listened attentively as she told him her number. After they got home, Adrien ran to his phone to add his Lady's number. But there was a little problem.

Why was her number already saved as Princess?


Yas, im back with a new story! Lmao i got this idea for tons of fics ive been reading lately that are based on texts and dms. xd

*for those of you who dont know, magcon stands for meet and greet convention.


Dont forget that inline comments are my fave. :*

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