soulmates || plakki

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"The nerve they have! Don't they know that I could easily kill them all?! I'm doing just fine on my own!"

That was the Tikki from 2487 years ago. In her human form, she was an insanely beautiful girl, with slight pink skin, a few black dots all over her body, her beautiful red hair, tied in a high ponytail, her blue ocean eyes and not to mention, her amazingly shapped body, were all it took to have men and women falling for her wherever she went. However, everyone knew better than to get on her nerves.

She was the princess and guardion of the South part of Egypt. Tikkiaela, Tikki for short, was the one who saved Egypt all the time, against the King of the West; Hawkmoth. The guy had a huge obssession with Tikki's earrings and wanted them for himself, well, he wanted them, just like everyone else.

Yes, it's true that Tikki was originally born with powers, but the earrings gave her even more power, and would also give someone as Hawkmoth, who was also a magic being, insane force and supernatural abilities.

It was just normal that a lot of people would want to steal the earrings and keep them for themselves. That was just stupid, thought.

Only people with magical powers were able to use them.

There were only two reasons as to why those people wanted to have the earrings;

1. They wanted to simply sell them and become famous and rich;

2. They feared Tikki and the earrings, so keeping them was the safest thing to do, in their opinion.

Of course, there were also lots of people who loved Tikki. Not only because she protected them and almost died a couple of times just to protect them all, but also because she was such a nice and sweet girl - well, at least most of the time.

But, right now, she was pissed. Her father, the King of the South, had just informed her that she would be marrying the prince of the North, who was also a superhero, possessing a magical ring.

Tikki angrily stomped towards her room, already calling her best friend, Volpin, princess of the East. The said girl was also a superhero, a girl who resembled that of a fox.

"Aye, Tikki! Long time no see!" Volpin's face appeared on the small lacrima used for communication in Tikki's hands.

"Hi, Vo! You won't believe what happened!" The girl furiously exclaimed, jumping on her bed, with an angry pout on her face.

"Oya? What's up, girl?" The brown head raised an eyebrow, obviously curious about what had gotten her best friend so upset.

"My father is forcing me to marry North's prince! Because, apparently, not only do I need a husband as a princess, but also need a partner as a superhero!" She explained, fume comming out of her ears.

There was a moment of silence, as the two friends stared at each other through the small lacrima. Suddenly, Volpin bursted out laughing, leaving Tikki confused and even more mad.

"Volpin, what the heck?! Stop laughing! This is a serious matter! I'm only 400 years old, I'm too damn young to marry someone I don't even know!" Tikki shouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Oh, Tikki, you really are clueless!" Volpin laughed once more, before wiping away the tears that had escaped her eyes and gave her best friend an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that." She giggled, before taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Sorry, really. But do you really not know why you must marry Prince Plagg?"

"Prince Plagg? Is that his name?" The red head asked, forrowing her eyebrows. "And what?! You knew I would have to marry him and you didn't tell me anything?! Geez, thanks a lot!" She smiled sarcastically, frowning right after.

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