saving her || marichat

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She didn't know what to do anymore.

She couldn't think of something to prevent what was going to happen. She didn't have the strength to stand up on her own and she felt completely terrified.

Tikki had been gone for almost a week then, having something to take care of, and wouldn't be back for at least two more days.

Ladybug had told Chat Noir about this, so he knew he'd be on his own for the whole week.

But Marinette wasn't expecting this to happen.

Ever since Tikki went on her "secret" mission, it felt like Marinette had a completely different life. She couldn't explain it but it felt like she wasn't the same girl anymore.

Her luck seemed to have abandoned her and go with Tikki, everything was going terribly wrong for her this past week.

It was either too much homework and school pressure, or the fact that her parents were also gone for two days now and the bakery was in her hands (at least during the evening, because her aunt came over during the day to take care of the shop). Or it was just Chloe and her stupid remarks.

She didn't understand why she felt so depressed. She hadn't been Ladybug for a while now, and she thought her life would be one hundred times better because of that, but man was she wrong.

She felt depressed, she was depressed and giving up seemed the perfect thing to do at the moment.

A shaky breath left her lips as she leaned against her locker, closing her eyes to prevent the tears from falling as she tightened her hold on her books.

She had been trying to cover her depressed state with a smile, so Alya wouldn't worry but Marinette wasn't sure for how long she could keep this up.

Finally, the girl decided to leave the school grounds because she really wasn't feeling in the mood to stay there. The bell was about to ring, so people were already gathered in small groups walking in different directions, which made it somehow easier for her to escape.

As soon as she reached the school gates, she had a mental break down.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she bit her trembling lip as hard as she could so no sound would come out.

She started walking towards the centre of the city, with a shaky body and watery eyes.

When Marinette finally spotted the central park, she was extremely glad when she noticed that no one was around. The fragile girl sat in a bench and let the tears fall freely.

Alya sat on her usual table, looking over to Marinette's side with a worried face.

The girl let out a sigh and stared at her table, shaking her head to avoid any bad thoughts. She knew that Marinette hadn't been feeling well lately, but she didn't want to put too much pressure on the girl, so she just let it slide.

Now, Alya deeply regretted that decision.

"Where's Marinette?" Nino's voice echoed through Alya's ears and she snapped her head up, only to be greeted with Nino and Adrien's confused faces. She shrugged and closed her eyes, sighing.

"I don't know. She hasn't been feeling well lately, but I wasn't expecting her to skip class.. Dammit, now I really regret not asking her what was wrong." Alya mumbled, biting her nail nervously.

Adrien stared at her as a bad feeling started forming in the bottom of his stomach. He turned to the teacher, who had just entered the classroom and looked down at his table.

He knew something bad was going to happen if he didn't find Marinette fast, so he asked the teacher if he could go to his locker because he had forgotten something. Luckily, Plagg had been inside his shirt instead of his bag, so he left without taking anyhing with him.

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