late night snacks || marichat

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"Bonsoir, mon petit madam!" Chat exclaimed, hanging on Marinette's balcony.

"Bonsoir, monsieur Chat." The girl laughed slightly, holding onto her cup and smiled sweetly at the boy in front of her. "Would you like to come in? I have cookies and an extra cup of hot chocolate."

Chat nodded excitedly, before entering her room and looked around. A small smile made its way upon his lips as he saw his – Adrien's – pics on her walls. He sat on her bed, beside her small bedside table where the cookies and the cup layed, taking both in his hands. He took a sip out of the drink before putting the cookie he had picked in his mouth.

"This is so good Princess!! As usual!" He grinned after swallowing the cookie and ate two more. "So, what were you up to?" Looking at her with slight tired eyes, he grinned once again before sipping on the drink.

"Well, nothing really. I was just working on some designs since the school festival is coming up and the Principal asked me to create the various costumes everyone will be wearing." She told him with a warm smile on her face, taking a sit in front of him with her legs crossed.

Holding her two blankets that were on her bed, she handed him the green and black one, before putting the red and also black one around her cold shoulders and took a cookie from the plate that layed on his lap.

"Ah, that's so cool! Just here between us, I can't draw a little circle, let alone a smoking or a dress." He laughed contently, thinking about the many times he had to draw something for whatever reason it was, and how miserable all of his drawings were.

"Really?" She asked, laughing with him before drinking a bit of her milk. "So, besides being able to save Paris and not end up dead, what else can you do?"

There. She had finally mastered up the courage to ask him something related to his personal life. As many people know, Marinette did not want Chat knowing who she was or her knowing who he is. Her excuse was always to "keep their identities safe and prevent Hawkmoth from also finding out who they were and hurt their friends and family". But deep down, Marinette knew, the real reason was because she was so afraid of showing Chat who she really was. She just knew he'd be so disappointed when he'd find out the Love of His Life was also the pathetic and clumsy girl he's been meeting up with for almost two months.

A small sigh left her lips, before she focused on Chat again and gave him a small smile. The boy looked at her weirdly, but decided not to ask and smiled at her.

"Well... I can... Play the piano?" He kinda answered, kinda questioned making her laugh.

"So, can you or can you not?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face.

"Pawsitively, Princess." He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows as she rolled her eyes. He didn't use as many puns as he used to before, but they were still there. Watching. Waiting. Waiting for him to finally give in to them again.

At least, that's what he told her whenever she scolded him for his stupid puns.

"Well, I sure as hell don't picture you as one to play the piano." She laughed cutely, deciding to forget about the pun and smirked at him.

"Ah? But you can picture who, Adrien Agreste playing the piano?" He asked her, rising an eyebrow with a small smirk on his lips.

"W-Well, i-it's dif-different!" Marinette stuttered, blushing slightly. "Adrien is... calm and collected, while you're a reckless and carefree little ball of furr." She laughed when she saw the small, yet real cute, pout on his face.

"So, you're saying that Adrien is better than me?"

Marinette instantly dropped her smile and shook her head violently. You see, for those past two months, Marinette and Chat grew real close with each other. Her opinion on him also changed a lot, she didn't see him as the carefree and stupid partner anymore, but as the nice, kind, sweet, FUNNY, reliable, sometimes collected and calm, yet still stupid and carefree partner.

"Of course not! I mean, you are NOT better than him, but he's also not better than you! You guys are both special in your own ways you know? You're my friend while he's... Well, someone I know, I guess?" Okay, that definitely hurt his feelings.

"Why don't you think of him as your friend? ... Don't you like him?" Chat – Adrien – asked in a small voice, staring at the cup in his hands.

"What?! Au contraire!" Marinette exclaimed, surprising him. "You see, we have never really talked you know? I always end up running away or passing out or blushing and stuttering... So, I'm pretty sure he thinks that I'm a creepy weirdo of some sort." She explained quietly, also staring at her cup.

"What?! I'm sure that's not true Princess!" Chat exclaimed in disbelief, staring at her like she had grown two heads.

Giving him a small, sad smile, Marinette answered.

"Yes it is, Chat. But anyways, enough about Adrien. It's getting late, shouldn't you be going home?" She asked with an rised eyebrow as she unlocked her phone and saw it was already 2:37am.

"Yeah... I should probably go." He mumbled sadly, before grinning at her.

She watched as he put the mug and the half empty plate on her small table and kissed her forehead, before making his way to her window.

"Thanks a bunch for those late night snacks, Princess! I will be back tomorrow for more!" He grinned, before jumping off into the warm, dark summery Paris night.

"Night, mon Chaton." She whispered staring at her window with a small smile on her face.

as yall may have understood by now, i suck at writing endings. anyways, tysm for all the damn support and love this book is getting yall!!!!! i REALLY appreciate it!!!!!

and yes ik. havent updated for almost two weeks but oh well, sorry bout that.

well, see ya next chapter!! inline comments are my faves lmfao byeee

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