Chapter 16.

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Enjoy!!!!!!!!! I know I havent been uploading for a while, but I'm starting a new story, check it out when I post the first chapter! I uploaded Harder to Breathe last time so now I'm uploading this, and then im gonnna upload Death by Power!! yaaay! Enjoy this chappy! Vote/Comment/ and fan!!!

goldie523 <3



After a while of watching Landon hastily sign papers and talk to people, we were able to leave the hospital. We rushed out of the E.R, Landon's baby clenched tightly in her arms. Landon, Zak and I piled into his car. After a few minutes of driving down the road, the baby starting crying.

"Oh my god, will she shut up already?" I whined.

Landon shot me a sharp look and I sighed.

"We're here, looks like Caster and Sarah just got here to." Zak said, pointed out the window at Sarah and Caster closing their car door.

We parked the car and hopped out, Landon holding the baby as if her life depended on it. Sarah and Caster ran beside us.

"Is the baby okay from the ride without a car seat?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah." Landon replied quickly as we power walked towards the door to the police station.

Just as we were about to push open the door, a police man came out and nodded, eyeing us up and down. He paid careful attention to the baby. I can't blame him for being curious why a couple of teens have a baby.

"Oh, sir!" Zak, exclaimed as he almost bumped into the police man.

"Is there a problem?" The police man grunted, scratching his chin.

"Yes, actually." Landon chirped.

The police man raised an eyebrow at Landon, waiting for her to continue.

"Ummm, S-she knows." Landon stuttered, pushing me in front of her.

My face turned bright red. How do I say this as logically as possible?

"W-well, sir." I began.

"Miss, would you like to tell me inside....or?" The police man interupted.

I looked back at Landon, Sarah, Caster, and Zak and their faces were blank. I faced the police man again.

"No sir, I can tell you now." I continued.

"You see, theres a boy named Jake-"

And then I explained everything. Him raping Landon (At that part I heard Landon cough), Jake cheating on her with Sarah, planning on raping Sarah, wanting to kill me, kidnapping Caster, and how we suspect he has been doing this for a long time. Sarah looked uncomfortable with my mentioning of the cheating inncident, whilest Caster and Landon just looked plain nervous. Zak's mouth was set in a grim line as he stared into the distance, his eyes darting over at the police man once in a while.

The police man looked me up and down, and after seeing our expressions, decided that we were most deffinatly telling the truth. After re-running everything that has happened to us in the past time, I realize how much we've been through. I also suspect Jake didn't just do what he did for fun, I think hes 100% sadistic physco path killer. The police man took out his walkie talkie and murmed somethings into it, a few moments later, someone said something back urgently.

"Do you know where he is at the moment?" He asked.

We all shook our heads in sync.


"Do you know where he is at the moment?" He asked.

We all shook our heads in sync.

"Well, I'm going to have to question all of you, just for further detail so we can find him immediatly. Oh, but none of you know where he lives?"

We all shook our heads again.

"I never actually have been to his house...." Landon muttered.

"me either." Sarah said, her eyebrows scrunched up.

Caster stepped towards the police man shakily and my eyes widened as I realized what she was doing. I grabbed her shoulder but she shook my hand off and looked back at me seriuosly.

"I'll do anything so that Jake gets caught." She whispered to me.

And with that, she turned back towards the police man and gulped.

"4598 Wallaby Way." She stated.

"Well look at that. Thats a very important piece of information. I'll have to question you all later to find out more. But miss, how do you exactly know this?"  The police man asked curiuosly.

There was a moment of silence before Caster answered truthfully, and I know for a fact that it took everyone aback.

"I'm his sister."


DUN DUN DUUUN!!!! I'll update again maybe next week :) Hope you liked it, sorry its so short! I will update death by power next :) U betta vote and comment!

*Pokes screen*

I know y'all out there!!!!!! -_-

Thank u!!!! hope you enjoyed!!!! BYE!!! :D :D :D luv ya!!!

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