Chapter 1-Raped

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I was in my room doing homework when I got a text from my BFF.

Morgan- There's a party tonight, wanna come?

Me- Sure. Ashton can't come though he's at his grandparents.

Morgan- Ok. I'll pick you up at 7.

Me- Ok

Once I finished my homework it's an hour until Morgan's going to be here.

I go to my closet and look through all of my clothes. I decide on black short shorts and a black crop top with red heels. For my make up I put on black eye shadow and red lipstick. I go to the bathroom and straighten my long, wavy dark brown hair.

When I finished my hair I got a text from Morgan telling me she's here.

I walk out the house and see Morgan wearing a tight, black leather dress and tons of makeup.

"Are you ready to party?" Says Morgan energetically.

"Yes! You look amazing by the way." I said.

"Thanks. You too. I can't wait to meet some guys." Morgan said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah I know you are. I wish Ashton could come so I wouldn't be alone." I said.

"You won't be alone, I'll be there." Morgan said.

"But it's not the same." I whine.

"I know but you still have me. Let's go, bestie." Says Morgan.

"Ok, bestie."


We arrived at the party and the music was so loud the ground was shaking. And the smell of liquor and smoke was so strong it made my nose burn.

We walked in and people instantly start handing us drinks which we don't refuse.

I decide to dance. While I'm on the dance floor some guy starts grinding on me. I turn around and see my worst enemy, Gage. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and he's tall. I slap him and he stares at me like nothing happened.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Having fun, Grace. Loosen up a little, have some fun. Have you ever tried a shot?" He says while holding a shot out for me. I grab it from his hand and down it in seconds. He gives me an evil smirk and hands me two more that I drink. He grabs one for himself as well.

He pulls me on the dance floor and we start grinding on each other. I was actually having fun even though I hate him.

He tries to kiss me but I back away and tell him I'm not interested. He just smirks and walks away.


I went to find the bathroom when I walked into a bedroom. There were trophies and posters scattered around. Then I see the door for the bathroom, finally. After I'm done with my business I walk back into the room and see Gage standing right in front of the door.

"Why are you in here?" I say to Gage.

"This is my room. I think the better question is, why are you in here?" Says Gage with one of his eyebrows raised.

"I was looking for the bathroom. Now let me out!" I said getting annoyed at him.

He takes a couple of steps towards me, leans down to my ear, and whispers. "You're not going anywhere." Then he pushes me against the wall. I try to push him off but I'm to weak.

He has me pinned against the wall. Holding my wrists with one hand above my head and his body pressed hard against mine.

He kisses me roughly. I turn my head to the side to get him to stop, but he just starts kissing my neck.

"Stop, Gage!" I yell but it's no hope. The music's to loud for anyone to hear me.

He grips my butt tightly and I try to kick him where it hurts, but he pushed my knee down and slapped me. I cried out in pain.

"Don't do that again. I'll hit you way harder next time." He said.

He pulled down my shorts. "Please don't do this." I pleaded while tears poured down my cheeks.

He pulled down his pants, carries me to his bed, and pins me down. He forcefully thrusts in me while I cry even harder.

After he cums he puts on his pants and throws me my clothes. Then he walks out the door leaving me there crying.

I put on my clothes and get out of his house as fast as I can, I don't want to be anywhere near him. I walk home. When I get there I unlock the door and walk in. My parents are on a anniversary vacation so I don't worry about being quite.

I strip out of my clothes and take a long, hot shower. When I step out I stare at myself in the mirror and start crying. 'I wish I didn't go to that party' I think to myself, if I didn't go I wouldn't have been raped.

I hop into bed still crying and try to go to sleep. Whenever I close my eyes I see him, pinning me down on the bed. I finally go to sleep around 4 still seeing images of him.

Hey guys, I hope you like my first story. This is just the first chapter so there is more to come. Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes. I'll update whenever I can. You can send me ideas and ask me questions if you want to. If you see any grammatical errors please tell me. I want to make sure the books good for you guys.


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