Chapter 3-The Report

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I wake up the next morning with tears running down my cheeks. I had a horrible dream of him, Gage.

*The Dream*

It was after we went to court and Gage won the case. I was sitting on my bed crying, when Ashton walks in.

"It'll be alright, Grace. I won't let him hurt you ever again." He leans down to kiss me, but I hear a gun shot.

Ashton's laying on the ground motionless. And I start to cry, then I think 'who shot him?' When I look up I see Gage standing there with blood splattered on him. He smirks walks towards me and pins me on the bed.

"Stop!" I scream, but it's no use. He killed the love of my life and he raped me again.

*Dream over*

I start crying again just thinking about it. What if we do go to court and he wins the case? What will happen? Then my thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell. I dry my tears and open the door. It's Ashton.

"Hey. Have you called them yet?" He asks referring to the police.

"No. Maybe we should just not worry about it." I say with tears in my eyes. He hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Why do you think that?" He asks.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt." I say now sobbing.

"Shh. He won't hurt anyone else if we do this. Ok?" He says while wiping my tears away.

"Ok." I say. Then I go grab my phone and dial the police stations number. It starts to ring.

"Hello. This is the Atlanta police department. What can I help you with?" Says the woman on the phone.

"I'd like to report a rape." I say hesitantly.

"Did it happen to you or someone else?" She asks.

"Me." My voice breaks at the end and I start crying again.

"I'm so sorry. You'll have to come down to the station as soon as possible. We'll have to ask you some questions." She says.

"Ok." I say and hang up. Then I wipe my tears away and turn to look at Ashton.

"Can you come with me?" I ask him.

"Yeah. You ready?" He says.

"Yeah. Let's go." He grabs my hand and we get in the car.


We arrive at the police department. We walk in and go to the desk.

"I need to talk to someone." I say.

"Ok. Do you have an appointment?" She asks.

"No ma'am. I called a half hour ago and they said to come here as soon as possible." I say.

"Oh, you're the girl I was talking to. Right this way." she says, leading us down a hallway.

"Mr. Mason will be here in a moment." She says and walks out. Ashton looks at me and I give him a small smile. Then a guy walks in.

"Hello I'm Mr. Mason. And you are?" He says with a smile.

"I'm Grace and this is, my boyfriend, Ashton." I say.

"So. Let's get started with the questions. Would you like Ashton to stay or leave during them?" He says looking at me to Ashton.

"I want him to stay." I say completely sure of my answer.

"Ok. First question. Who raped you?" He says.

"Gage Sanders." I say trying not to cry.

"Did he hurt you in any way?" He asks.

"He slapped me and there's bruises on my wrists and upper thighs." I say biting the inside of my lip to keep from crying.

"Did he use protection?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say. The tears start to escape.

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?" He asks with his eyebrows raised.

"No." I say hoping I'm not pregnant.

"Ok. We'll set up an appointment for you at the hospital tomorrow." He says.

"Ok." I say. I'm thinking of how life will be if I have a baby. I haven't even finished high school yet. I had my life planned out. I'd finish high school, go to college at NYU, get married, then have kids.

"That's all the questions for now I'll let you go now. And your appointment is at 2 tomorrow." Says Mr. Mason.

After that we left. The car ride was silent, except for the music in the background.

When we got to my house we sat down and ate an apple. Then Ashton breaks the silence.

"You know, if you are pregnant, I'm not going to leave you. We could raise it together." He says

"But what about college? And we haven't finished high school. How are we going to be able to raise a kid and go to school at the same time?" I say to him. Then he looks at me.

"You could abort it or put it up for adoption." He says.

"You know I'd keep it." I say.

"Yeah, I know." Then his phone beeps. "That's my mom she says I've got to get home. Bye, babe." He leans down and kisses me and I kiss him back. Our lips move in sync. Then he moves his hand down to my butt, and I push him away. He looks upset but understands.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine, Grace." He says and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Ok. I love you." I say looking him in the eyes.

"I love you too." Ashton says, gives me a quick peck on the lips, and leaves. I can't keep him waiting for forever. He'll get tired of waiting and eventually leave. But he can wait longer if he really loves me he'll understand that I'm not ready yet.

I hope you like this chapter. Please vote and spread the word about it. I'll update whenever I can. If you see any grammatical errors please tell me.


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