Chapter 12- How's The Song?

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The next morning when I wake up Ashton's not next to me. Where is he? I walk downstairs and see him on my computer listening to something. I walk up behind him to see what he's doing. He's listening to my song I'm writing. And he has a smile on his face. He really does like it.

When the song is done playing he gets up. He jumps when he sees me, not expecting me to be there.

"Good morning, scaredy cat." I say making fun of him.

"Haha, so funny." He fake laughs.

"You're right. That was funny." I say laughing at the end.

"So, I was thinking, maybe you could work on your music today. We don't have to do anything, and I'd love to listen to you." He says.

"Ok. But only if you make me some waffles and chocolate gravy." I tell him. Chocolate gravy is a really good chocolate sauce.

"Deal." He says walking to the kitchen. While he's cooking I take a shower and get dressed. When I come back to the kitchen he's already done.

"Breakfast is served." He says with a accent. I laugh a little and sit down. He has two plates with waffles covered in chocolate gravy on them.

"Yay!" I say like a little kid. He laughs at me hands me a glass of chocolate milk.

"You're the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends." I tell him. Me and Ashton eat our food in silence. It's so good.

I take the dishes to the sink and go to my music room. Ashton walks in after me. I pull out my notebook and open it to the page I'm writing my guitar chords on. I play the written chords and try another one. Perfect. Then when I play the next one I frown. It sounds like a dying elephant. I laugh a little, and Ashton smiles at me.

"What's so funny?" He asks with the smile still on my face.

"I don't know. It's just when I mess up, or play something that doesn't sound good, I laugh. I know its kind of weird, but it makes a funny sound. And I compared it to a dying elephant." I say and laugh again. Ashton's laughing too.

"I love you, crazy person." He says still laughing.

"I love you, weirdo." I lean in and give him a quick kiss.

"So, how do you find the next chord you want to play?" He asks me.

"I play the previous chords then play one I think might sound good. Watch." I start playing the written chords.

"Here's a new one." I say then add it in.

"So, after you play the chords you already have you add another one that you think will sound good?" He asks me with an eyebrow raised.

"Exactly." Then I here my phone go off. It's Shawn. He's one of the best friends I have.

Shawn- How's the song coming?

Grace- Great. I'm actually working on it right now. I'm almost done with it.

Shawn- Awesome. I've checked my schedule and I have 2 weeks off next month. Is that fine?

Grace- That's perfect. I should have the song finished by next week.

Shawn- That's perfect timing. I'll fly in the third at 10.

Grace- Ok. I'll pick you up. Do you want to stay here?

Shawn- If you have enough room that's fine with me.

Grace- There's plenty of room.

Shawn- Ok. Thanks. Get back to writing. I'll see you soon.

Grace- Bye, Shawn. See you soon.

I put down my phone and I have a big smile on my face.

"Who was that?" Ashton asks looking a little jealous.

"Shawn. He's flying in on the third. And he's staying for two weeks." I say excitedly.

"Where's he going to stay?" He asks hoping it's not here.

"He's staying here. Before you say anything, nothing is going to happen. You're my boyfriend. And you know I wouldn't cheat on you." I say reassuring him, but something doesn't seem right after I said that. He shrugs.

"You're right. I shouldn't get jealous since I know you wouldn't do anything." He kisses me.

We spend most of our day working on my music. We take a break to make some lunch, but that's it.

It's now six and we're having dinner at his house, his parents got some pizzas. They also got some 'Surge' since it's one of my favorites.

I told Sarah and David about my music, and they said they're proud of me. That makes me so happy, they're like my second set of parents. And I love them. His whole family is so lovable.

We finish eating and I offer to wash the dishes, but Sarah said she couldn't let me do that and pushed me out of the kitchen. So, I head to Ashton's room, where Ashton's already snoring and climb into bed next to him. And soon I'm snoring too.

I hope you liked this chapter. I'll try to update again soon. Comment what you think about the chapter. And don't forget to vote. Please send me ideas for the next chapters. If you see any grammatical errors please tell me.


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