Chapter 4-Pregnancy Test

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I wake up the next morning and look at my clock. It's 12 already, I get out of bed and grab some pizza out of my fridge, I don't even heat it up I eat it cold. I also grab a 'Surge' to drink.

When I'm finished with my pizza I go take a shower. When I get out I put on some black high waisted shorts and a flowing, light pink, sheer shirt. Then I do my usual makeup, black eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara and pink lipstick.
Then I put on my black sandals and text Ashton.

Grace- I'm about to leave for my appointment.

Ashton- ok. Do you want me to come?

Grace- No. I think I need to go by myself for this.

Ashton- Ok. I understand. I love you.

Grace- Love you too.

Then I get in my car and drive to the hospital.


When I arrive at the hospital I'm nervous. I could be pregnant. I sign in and wait for them to call me back. Then I get a text from my mom.

Mom- How are you doing?

Grace- Good. I have to talk to you and dad when y'all get back. When are y'all coming back?

Mom- Tomorrow. I hope it's nothing bad. I've got to go. See you soon.

Grace- Ok. Bye mom.

A few minutes later they call my name.

"Grace Tomlinson." I stand up and follow the nurse to the room. There's a chair that looks like a dentist chair and a lot of weird looking equipment.

"Please sit, Grace. We are going to take some blood and do an ultrasound. Ok?" Says the nice nurse.

"Ok." I say as she grabs the syringe.

"You ready?" She asks cleaning a spot on my arm to take some blood.

"I guess." Then she sticks the needle in my arm and draws blood. It hurts, but I let her continue.

When she's done she takes the blood somewhere and comes back in the room.

"Are you ready for the ultrasound?" She asks smiling.

"Yes." I say. I'm kind of excited to find out if I'm pregnant. I wasn't planning on having kids anytime soon, but I would still love him or her.

She puts the cool gel on my stomach and puts the weird instrument on my stomach. I don't see anything on the screen.

"Ok, Ms. Grace. I don't see anything on the ultrasound, but that doesn't mean you're not pregnant. The test results should be ready so I'll go check." Says the nurse as she walks to the door.

She returns a few minutes later with a clipboard that has papers on it. She looks at me, then the paper.

"What're the results?" I ask curiously.

"You are pregnant. Just a few days, though. You need to come back for regular appointments so we can make sure the baby stays healthy."

"Ok. Bye." I walk out the door and get in my car. I just sit there, I don't know how to feel about this.


When I get home I text Ashton.

Grace- I'm back. Can you come over?

Ashton- Sure. Be there in 5.

I watch 'Boy Meets World' as I wait for him to get here. When I here the doorbell I walk to the door to answer it. It's Ashton, of course. He walks up to me and hugs me.

"So? Are you pregnant?" He asks. The tears start to come out. I nod my head and he just hugs me tighter.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say. Then I kiss him and he kisses back. The kiss deepens. His hands slowly move to the hem of my shirt, and he starts to lift it. I grab his hand.

"I'm not ready yet." I say

"When will you be?" He asks with a little bit of anger in his voice.

"You know I want to wait until after I'm married to have sex." I say

"Yeah, but don't you want to?" Says Ashton.

"Yes, but not yet. Ok?" I say getting aggravated at him. He sighs.

"Ok. I have to go. Bye." He says and walks out. Maybe I shouldn't make him wait. Or maybe I should, I don't know. All I know right now is I'm really tired. I take a shower and hop in bed. I fall asleep with my hand on my stomach.

Here is another update. I hope you like this chapter. Vote, comment, and follow me. I'm not going to post another chapter until there's 3 comments. If you see any grammatical errors please tell me.


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