Chapter 13-Amazing News!

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I wake up and Ashton's still snoring in my ear. I get up slowly so he doesn't wake up and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower then head to the kitchen. I hear my stomach grumble while I'm looking in the fridge. Finally I decide on an apple and peanut butter.

After I finish my breakfast I hear my phone ring. It's Shawn FaceTiming me. I answer and see his face pop up on the screen.

"Good morning." I say with a smile.

"Morning. I didn't think you'd be up yet." He says smiling.

"Then why'd you call me?" I say laughing a little.

"I couldn't wait any longer to tell you the amazing news!" He says excitedly.

"Well don't leave me hanging. What is it?" I say and he laughs.

"Well, you remember how I'm flying in for a couple weeks. Right?" Shawn says.

"Yeah. How could I forget?" I say laughing a little.

"Ok. So, my agent said you're coming back with me." He says. With a slightly bigger smile.

"Why?" I say trying to figure this out.

"Well, I, kind of, sort of convinced him to let you sing the duet with me!" He says excitedly with a huge smile on his face.

"What? Are you serious?" I say with an even bigger smile than his. He nods his head.

"We'll be leaving on the seventeenth!" He says laughing at my excitement.

"This is amazing! You're amazing! You talked him into letting me sing the duet with you! Wow!" I say and Shawn seems just as happy as I do.

"I'm sorry, Grace, but I have to go. See you soon!" He says.

"See you soon!" I say with the smile still on my face. I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to sing a duet with Shawn Mendes. This is going to be amazing. And it could possibly jump start my career. I'm so excited.

I run into Ashton's room and jump on top of him. I start lightly slapping his face to try to wake him up. He opens one eye then says.

"Why are you waking me up? It's like five in the morning." He says sleepily. I laugh at him.

"Ashton, it's nine in the morning. And I have some amazing news!" I tell him. He slowly sits up with me still on top of him.

"Well, what's the news? You can't just tell me there's amazing news and not tell me what it is." He sounds just like me saying that.

"Shawn called and said his agent agreed to let me sing the duet with him!" Me and him are both smiling now.

"That's amazing!" He says ecstatically.

"I'll be flying back with him on the seventeenth!" I tell Ashton. His smile slowly disappears.

"You have to go there? With him?" He says jealously.

"It won't be long. And this could jump start my career. Think about it. This is an amazing opportunity." I tell Ashton. He sighs in defeat.

"You're right. I'd go for it so why should I try to stop you. You'll do great. I'll miss you, though." He says sounding upset.

"Hey, cheer up. I'm here for a few more weeks. And I'll be back when we're done." I tell him.

"Ok." He says with a small smile. I give him a quick kiss. Then I call Morgan to tell her.

"Hello." Morgan says.

"Hey, guess what?" I say really excited.

"What? What? Tell me! It's killing me!" She says dramatically. I laugh at her. I tell her about Shawn and the duet. She squeals when she hears his name.

"You're going to sing a duet with Shawn freaking Mendes!" She screams at me. I laugh even harder at her reaction.

"It's exciting!" I say.

"What the hell! That's all you have to say about it!" She says shocked.

"Ok. What I meant to say was: this is so freaking awesome. I'm going to sing a duet with Shawn Mendes! Can you believe it? This is amazing!" I say excited.

"That's more like it. You and me are going shopping before you go, though." She says seriously. I laugh a little more.

"Fine. If I have too." I whine dramatically. She laughs.

"See ya later, weirdo!" She says.

"Bye, weirdo!" I hang up. This is so exciting. I can't believe it. Is this a dream? Somebody pinch me.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think will happen when Shawn gets here? Please comment what you think and don't forget to vote. If you see any grammatical errors please tell me.


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