Chapter 6-Is It Mine?!?

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"So, what did you need to tell us?" My mom asks, smiling widely. My eyes are blurry with tears and I can't hold them back. Ashton engulfs me in a hug. I have to tell them now, even if I don't want to.

"I was raped." I say threw sobs. My mom starts crying too, and my dads eyes are full of tears. I see a tear run down Ashton's cheek.

"And I'm pregnant." I say after I've calmed down some.

"Is it Ashton's?" My mom asks hoping that it's his and not Gage's.

"No. It's Gage's. He raped me and now I'm going to have his baby." I say, crying again, I'm tired of crying.

My dad grabs his keys and walks towards the door.

"Dad, where are you going?" I ask him.

"Out." He says. I walk towards him and hug him.

"Don't do it dad. I don't want you to get hurt." I say.

"But he hurt my baby, and he's not going to get away with it." He says angrily.

"Ashton already beat him up for me. But look at him, he got hurt and I don't want that to happen to you. Ok?" I say.

"Ok. But he better stay away from my daughter." He says putting his keys away. 


The next morning me and Ashton go to the police department. When we walk in the lady at the desk tells us to go to the room we went to yesterday. When we get to the room Mr. Mason is waiting for us, and Gage isn't here yet.

"Have a seat. Have you told Gage about the baby?" Mr. Mason says.

"No." I say

"Ok. We have to tell him, because if we don't he'll find out in court." He says.

"When do we have to go to court?" I ask.

"Next week. We'll get you an attorney to represent your case, Gage said he'll get his own." He says. Then Gage walks in and sits down.

"What did I miss" Gage asks.

"Nothing. We were just discussing what will happen in court." Says Mr. Mason.

"Ok. Anything I need to know?" Gage asks.

"Well, Grace's pregnancy test came back positive." Says Mr. Mason.

"What? Is it mine?" He asks loudly.

"You know it's yours. I was a virgin and you took that from me. You're such a-"
I said angrily, until Mr. Mason interrupted.

"Grace, calm down." He said, giving me a stern look. I take a deep breath.

"If Gage is found guilty he'll have to pay for the baby's insurance and he has to give you $500 a month until the baby's eighteen, and he'll have to pay you $100,000." He says. Gage doesn't look too happy about that.

"What if I'm found innocent?" Gage asks.

"You'll have to pay half of the insurance and will most likely get custody of the baby." Says Mr. Mason. I sigh. I want to scream that he's not innocent, he's guilty, but I don't.

After Mr. Mason asks us a few more questions, we can leave. Me and Ashton don't talk much on the way home, but it's a comfortable silence.

When we get home me and Ashton watch 'Enders Game', it's one of my favorite movies. We fall asleep halfway through the movie. My mom throws a blanket over us, and we sleep until the next morning.

I hope you like this chapter. Please send my ideas for the next chapters. Vote, comment, and follow me. If you see any grammatical errors please tell me.


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