Chapter 14-Starbucks

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We're going to court tomorrow. I'm not excited about it, but I know I have to go. And I have to prove Gage is guilty. I have proof. I'm pregnant, with his baby. How could they say it didn't happen? They know it did, they know he raped me.

If he's proven innocent I'll scream, I don't care if I'm in the court room or not. Gage just makes me so angry. He's acting like nothing happened. And I don't understand how he can. I'm having nightmares, I'm crying, I'm scared. All because of Gage. He did this to me and I'm not going to show him any mercy in court.


I'm on the way to Starbucks. Ashton's at school, I should be too. I just couldn't handle seeing Gage laughing with his friends saying I made up the whole story.

I pull into the parking lot and there aren't that many cars. I walk in and order a mocha frappe a minute later it's ready. I go sit at a table and just think. I think about tomorrow, if Gage will be proven guilty, if he'll admit what he's done, what will happen after court, what will it be like to sing a duet with Shawn Mendes, what will it be like to have a kid, will it be a boy or girl, what should I name it, will Ashton stay with me? All of those questions I don't know the answer to, but I will eventually.

I decide to check my phone and I see a message from Ashton.

Ashton- Where the hell are you?

Grace- I'm at Starbucks. I didn't want everyone to be pointing and whispering about me. And I didn't want to see Gage.

Ashton- You could've told me. I thought something happened to you. And Gage isn't here. He must've ditched.

Grace- But if I told you I wasn't going to go you wouldn't have gone either. And you need to bring your grades up.

Ashton- You're right. But what about your grades. They might go down.

Grace- I'm a straight A student with a 3.9 GPA. I think I'll be fine.

Ashton- I know you will. I got to go to class. Later, babe.

Grace- Later, babe.

I put my phone down and take a sip of my frappe. This tastes amazing! I love frappes.

"Hey, babe." Says a familiar voice behind me. I turn around and see Gage's face inches away from mine. I turn away.

"Don't call me that." I say harshly. He shrugs and sits in the seat in front of me. I grab my phone to distract myself. I see a message from Shawn.

Shawn- Can't wait to see you! :)

Grace- aww, you're so sweet. I'm so excited that you're coming! Can't wait to see you!

Shawn- Good luck tomorrow. Show him NO mercy.

Grace- That's what I was just thinking.

Shawn- Haha. Well you shouldn't. He raped you and now he's going to pay for it. My agent just got here. See you soon!

Grace- Bye. See you soon!

I smile and Gage notices. He looks at me for a second.

"Who's that? Your boyfriend?" He asks.

"No. It's Shawn." I tell him.

"Shawn who?" He asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say. He smirks.

"Well that's why I asked. By the way I like your outfit, but I'd like it better off." He says then winks. I feel like I'm going to puke and burst into tears at the same time.

"I've got to go." I say and run out. I run to my car. After I get in I start sobbing. I start hitting my steering wheel as hard as I can, and cry more. I hear a tap on my window it's Gage. He looks hurt now. Good. He should know that he hurt me.

I crack my window not even an inch and look at him with my tear stained face. He look at me with guilt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I really am." He says looking me straight in the eyes.

"If your really sorry tell the truth tomorrow." I say then leave. He's still standing there staring at me. Is he really sorry? He's probably just saying that.

I drive home and take a long, hot shower. I slip on my pajamas, and take a nap.

I hope you like this chapter. Do you think Gage will tell the truth tomorrow? Please comment what you think. And don't forget to vote. If you see any grammatical errors please tell me.

Funny story. I wrote this last night for you. But apparently I didn't hit publish. Sorry.


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