Chapter Ten
Emma peeled her eyes open, and they were immediately assaulted by the sunlight streaming in through her window. She let out a tortured moan. Physically, she felt absolutely retched.
It took her all of five seconds for her memory of last night's events to return, and her head jerked to the side of her bed. It was empty. She was confused as to why she felt a stab of disappointment to see that Seth had gone.
From what she could recall, last night had been - nice. Feeling wanted again, feeling cherished and sexy it had certainly helped ease the pain. Seth's sweet nothings in her ear had temporarily lifted her to higher ground. She recalled his capable hands and how they had made her feel. Although now he was gone.
Throwing the covers off herself, she winced as she looked down and found she was still completely naked. She leaned her head back on the pillow and covered her face with her hands. How embarrassing.
A long, cool shower helped ease the hangover somewhat, but her head was still foggy and throbbing. She wanted to slink back away to bed, but she had a to work at The Harbour Room tonight, and she needed to eat and take an Advil.
She noticed the time on the microwave. Midday. Okay, that was not too bad. It still gave her time to eat and nurse her hangover for a few hours.
"Morning, sleepy head," Emma looked up rummaging around in the cupboards to see Abby at the kitchen counter. She had just woken up, too.
"You can talk." Emma mumbled, as she took out the bread and some butter.
"Are you going to tell me who that sexy beast was who left early this morning, just as I was coming home?" Abby walked over to the coffee machine and began fixing them something to drink. Her big brown eyes were burning with curiosity.
Emma popped some slices of bread in the toaster. "That was Seth. He's my boss at The Harbour Room,"
Abby threw her head back and laughed. "Your boss? Emma what's gotten into you? First the owner of the club and now the guy who runs it? Sheesh, you're on fire girlfriend,"
"Nothing happened with Bennett. He just wants to be friends," Emma did not want to talk about this, but she knew Abby was not going to stop until she got all the juicy details.
"Oh really? That sucks." She poured the coffee into two mugs. " Well you know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. You mastered that,"
"Oh, Abby! It was nothing like that. Seth's a nice guy," Emma felt disgusted with herself.
"Seth was a booty call." Abby grinned, as she handed her the mug full of hot, strong coffee.
"A booty call? What is a booty call?" Emma blew away the steam and sipped. It was delightful.
"A booty call is when the guy or the girl turns up to your house late at night with the sole purpose of banging your brains out."
Emma choked on her coffee, spluttering it all over the bench top. "Shit,"
She closed her eyes and shook her head, That made perfect sense.
"Did he tell you how hot you are, how nice you feel?" Abby asked and Emma felt her stomach twist into a huge knot, just as the bread popped out of the toaster. Yes, you idiot, he did. Her subconscious was always so critical. The smell of toasted bread wafted through the air but her appetite had vanished along with her self esteem. Is that what she been? If there was a name for it, and if Abby was practically giving her a blow by blow account of the proceedings then that's exactly what it was. A booty call.

Torn By Two- Book One
Romance"His passion is dynamic and I have fallen prey to his desires," A life changing relocation from a small Ohio town to New York City for sixteen year old Emma Black, throws her life into turmoil. Five years later, battling depression and social isola...