Chapter 1

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~Zayn's P.O.V.~

The loud bell rang through the rooms dismissing us from gym class.

"Alright everyone, have a good day. Oh, and tomorrow there may or might not be a pop quiz so be ready," The teacher said as we left and almost everyone groaned.

"Damn it. I was hoping for a quiz-free week," Harry said groaning as we made our way to the boys locker room to change. I groaned also and nodded.

"Don' know why you guys are complaining; Gym tests are easy as pie," Niall said pulling off his shirt and stuffing it into his locker. The locker room smelled of sweat and deodorant and the sound of the showers running.

"End pie equals..." Harry pause to think.


"Oh shut up you guys; I don't need a math lesson, I already hate math," I muttered, changing into my normal clothes and doused myself in body spray.  The two chuckled at my comment and I leaned against the lockers while waiting for Niall to finish putting in his snake bites and spacers. If only I could be here this early and be with my friends every school day.

Niall jelled his dark blue and lilac hair into a spiky quiff then we made our way to our hall lockers. The hall was crowded as every break was between classes and everyone was squeezing their way through the crowd. A chill ran it way up my spine as we passed one of the exits.

"Rea," Niall yelled dashing toward his locker with his arms stretched out and pulled her into a tight hug. 

"Hey hot stuff, How was gym?" she asked before kissing Niall. I rolled my eyes at her ignorance of the rest of us and shook my head. 

"Boring as hell. And I didn't get to see you before class," he pouted which earned him another kiss making Harry and I laugh. Rea was no ordinary girl in our school; she was best known for her blackish-blue hair with hot pink on top and spider bites, along with her loud personality. She and Niall were the perfect match. 

"Dude, if ya didn't sleep in, you'd have been able to." Niall huffed; her sassiness was not affecting him in the slightest. "Have you guys heard abut the new girl?"

"What new girl?" Harry asked, opening his locker that was few lockers away from Naill's.

"This girl came into Writer's class looking for the cooking class—" The hall bell's ring echoed through the halls and the few people around scrambled to their classes.

"Oh shit," I huffed, scrambling away from my friends to my locker as the bell rang. I fumbled with the combination lock, trying to get it open before any of the teachers could catch me still in the hall. 

"Zayn, common," Rea urged but didn't hang around to wait for me.

"Shit!" I growled at myself as I struggled to get the lock open. "Piece of crap!" I hit it in frustration and finally the lock opened. I grabbed my math textbook and binder then ran off to math, alone.

Math class was pretty big. There were seven desks across and five rows back. Mr. Gingmuth stood at his desk arranging the handouts for the class as I snuck in and sat in the third row to the back, hoping he wouldn't notice that I'd just come in. 

"Zayn." I huffed, rolling my eyes when he called my name. Mr. Gingmuth wasn't a nice teacher. I'd say out of all the teachers in Bradford High he was the strictest. He gave us extra homework on Fridays and he never let anyone talk in class. So if you had to go to the toilet you're outta luck cause you either had to be answering his questions or asking questions about the lesson or else keep your mouth shut.


He was about to respond when a girl came in, handing him a piece of paper. He nodded then turned to the class.

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