chapter two - fortune cookies

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Aimi pov

Yosh! Today is the day. Because Christmas brunch at school would he the day after tomorrow I had to buy Fortune cookies for my class. And by coincidence the store right under my house called itadakimasu, sold fortune cookies. Because I had to make a second impression, I dressed well, shaved my legs and plucked my eyebrows. This time he won't get to see my hannah montana hoodie, but the black longsleeved croptop I bought last week, with my black skater skirt and my black suspenders. God I love suspenders. I had a good hairday for the first time in forever and I felt great. I went downstairs and took a look at my reflection in the window. Good. A deep breath left my mouth as I opened the door of itadakimasu. My lios curled into a smile when I saw that he was working. I walked around the shop, pretending to look for the fortune cookies. Ofcourse, I already knew where they were. Honestly, it wasn't the first time I bought them there.

I legit relied on fortune cookies. Whenever I felt down I got one to see what was going to happen and be believe it or not, most of the time it was actually right. Fortune cookies never failed to cheer me up.

After walking around the store a few times and pretending to actually search for the while stealing a few glances in between, I decided to ask the cute guy with the mole.

"Excuse me..." I said softly. My voice sounded weak due to my nervousness. Come on, you can do it. Speak up.

He turned around. Oh, he heard me. God, how can someone look so hot? "Hehe... Hi. Do you sell fortune cookies?" I asked, pretending not to know. He nodded and I continued. "Ah, I see. Where can I find them?" I asked. I smiled sweet.

"Over there, next to the beer." he said and pointed at the fortune cookies. "Thank you!" I said and I swung my hair over my shoulders. Hehe.
I turned around to walk towards the fortune cookies when I bumped into someone. The guy I bumped into was holding a box full of chipbags. He was. He accidently dropped it because I bumped into him. I looked up to see his face. It was the owner of the store. Shit, shit, shit. I'm such a noob.

I turned around to the mole-guy and saw him laughing silently. He must be thinking I'm dumb. Geez.

I helped the guy pick up his bags of chips and apologized. "I'm sorry, sir." I said and bowed down. "It's okay. Don't worry about it." he said. I smiled and walked towards the fortune cookies.

My head was burning red and my hands were sweating even more than usually. My hands were almost always sweating though, but they were almost dripping this time. I got two bags of fortune cookies and put them on the counter. I looked down, afraid to face him.

"Don't worry, it's okay." He whispered with a comforting voice. His voice was cute and deep. It was a weird combination. "Thank you." I said. I gave him the money and got my bags.

Second impression: failed.
Well at least my outfit was on point.

Jinhwans (Mole guy)'s pov

I was counting the money in the counter when i saw her for the Second time. Hannah-hoodie girl. She was dressed all in black and her outfit was cute. She was staring into the window. Was she looking into the store or looking at her reflection? I think... At her reflection.

She nodded to herself and walked in. Aww. Cute. She was smiling like she just helped an old lady cross the road. Proud.

After a minute or two she came up to me. Okay, act cool. I turned around to pretend I wasn't looking at her ever since she entered the store. Wait.. why was I stressing? I didn't like her. I didn't know her. Besides she's like 14 or something.. well she looked 14 in her Hannah Montana hoodie and stuff... now, all dressed up like that, she looked.. 17 I guess??

Snap out of it, Kim Jinhwan.

"Excuse me..." she said.

I turned around. Aww no, so cute.

She asked me if we sold any fortune cookies. I nodded at her question and pointed at them. She thanked me and turned around, bumping right into my boss. He was carrying a box of chipbags. Everything fell. I laughing, feeling guilty looking atbher face and trying to stop myself. It didn't work, she looked so... Funny. How desperately she tried to apologize. She sure was something. I smiled to myself.

After she left, my boss came up to me.
"What did she ask you?" He asked.

"Oh she couldn't find the Fortune cookies." I awnsered as I continued counting the money. Thanks to her I forgot how for I got with counting, si I had to start all over.

"Really? That's weird.. She has been buying them for two years. What's uo with that?" he mumbled and walked away.

Weird indeed...

Sorry for the short ass chapters. I'll make them longer. Not extremely long though.

Thank you for reading it ♡

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