chapter eight - umbrella

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Your pov

It was 11.23 pm and I had been studying for 4 hours straight. Call me a nerd, but I felt like studying for some reason. You know that feeling when you suddenly want to clean your room? Well I had that with studying or making homework sometimes. Anyways, when I stopped studying I suddenly got a headache. I lied down for a bit untill it got better.

I was hungry. I walked to the fridge but there was no food in it. Well.. ofcourse we had food in our frigde but just not the food I wanted to eat. I wanted some snacks. The convience store? Yeah.. sounds like a good plan. I didn't feel like going to itadakimasu, since the chances of seeing Jinhwan there were high, and I looked like shit. The was another convience store in the neighbourhood, but it was a bit further. Ahh, it didn't matter. I needed some fresh air anyways.

I put on my uggs, grabbed my keys and walked outside. I didn't feel like wearing a jacket, it wasn't that cold. Besides, I was wearing a thick hoodie. No need for a jacket. I softly closed the door. I didn't want my mom to wake up and if Hanbin heard the door close, he'd come outside. And he would kill me if I went outside this late.

It was nice, some evening air. I took a deep breath and started walking. I listened to music with my earphones. Comforting songs. I had a playlist.

I was listening to for you by Afternight project. Yes, I know. Dramatic. But it calmed me down and it was nice. A smile grew on my face. I loved times like these. When there was no actual reason that made me smile, no boy, no good thing that happend, no price I won, just a no-meaning moment that I shared with me, myself and I.

But guess who ruined that moment?

Seriously. I was all happy by myself, smiling like an idiot and he just had to come by and made my sweaty hands ruin my perfect moment. Jinhwan. Ahhh he was so cute! But it started to annoy me that I was so nervous around him. I didn't go to itadakimasu ON PURPOSE!

I acted like I didn't see him and just went inside. He followed me.

'Aimi, isn't it?' He greeted me.

I turned around. 'H-hello.. y-yeah. That's my name.' I said softly. I couldn't look him in the eye. SO AWKWARD. But he greeted me omg.

'I heard from Hanbin that you live next door. I'm staying over at his house. What are you doing outside alone this late?' He asked.

Was he.. worried?

'I just finished studying. I was hungry and wanted some snacks.. so.. yeah.' I tried looking at him but I turned even more red than I already was. Okaaayy so no eyecontact.

'But why do you come all the way down here when the convience store itadakimasu is practically under your house??'

Shit. I couldn't say it was to avoid him?

'Uhh.. I wanted some fresh air.' I said as I grabbed 3 cups of ramen and walked to the counter. He grabbed one too and followed me.

'Ohh..' he said and the conversation stopped.

I got in line first, he came after me.
'I heard you passed out, I wanted to come by to make sure you were okay, but I didn't have the chance to. Were you okay?' He asked me.

Okay Aimi, hide your excitement.

After we both paid for our ramen, he asked me 'let's walk home together, mm?'. MY HEART JUST DIED THAT WAS TOO CUTE HOLY SHIT NO!

I nodded and smiled and we walked outside. After 2 minutes of awkward silence it started raining. Aishh why now. He had an umbrella and stuck it up. Before I knew it he grabbed my shoulder and but me close, to share the umbrella. Shit shit shit what if he heard my heart pounding?!

'Y-you'd catch a cold it you'd get w-wet..' he said. Was he nervous too?

I looked at him and smiled. 'Thanks..' i said. I looked away quickly.

'But if you stay at Hanbin's place, why did you come all the way down here?' I asked to break the ice.

'Same reason. I wanted some fresh air.' He said.

The awkward silence came back. the road back home seemed longer. Maybe because I felt awkward. I don't think it actually was longer.

Suddenly he grabbed one of my earphones and put it in his ear. 'I want to know what you're listening to.' He smiled.

Shit no. I was listening to dramatic songs. What a shitty impression! he must think my music taste sucks.
'Let me put on another song! I have better songs, I swear!' I grabbed my phone out of the pocket in my hoodie but he stopped me. Jinhwan grabbed my hand. 'no. don't mind changing the song. I like it. It's calming me down.' He said. He was actually touching my hand. He was holding it. I pulled it away in a shock.

'S-sorry!' He said and pulled his hand back.

'No! Um no that's not what I meant I just.. it was a quick reaction..' I said.

It was quiet after that and we just listened to the next song.

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time, you are near.
Just like me, they long to be close to you.
why do stars fall down from the sky, everytime, you walk by.
Just like me they long to be close to you.

I liked the song. He did too. I smiled. I didn't share this moment of peace with myself, but with Jinhwan.

'You know, you should really wear a jacket outside. Or at least check the weather before you leave. Not that I mind sharing an umbrella.. but I'm not always around to share my umbrella.' He said softly.

I smiled wider. 'Thank you for worrying.' I said.

Unfortunately, our moment ended there as we were in front of the apartmentbuilding. I grabbed my keys and opened the door. We took the stairs and stopped in front of Hanbin's door.

'Please don't tell Hanbin that you saw me, 'kay? He'll be mad of he knows I went outside this late.' I said.

'Yeah.. are you two like.. dating?' Jinhwan asked. I looked me in the eye. This was the longest eyecontact we've ever had.

'N-no! He's my best friend. Not more.' I explained.

He nodded and smiled. 'Okay.' is what he said. He stuck out his hand. Should I like.. shake it? I grabbed it and shook it. This was weird. But cute.. in a weird way.

'Goodnight Aimi.' He said.

'Goodnight.. Jinhwan.' I blushed and looked away. He pulled back his hand and opened the door. He looked at me one last time before closing it. Aw..

I went inside too. I put the ramen on the kitchentable. I wasn't even hungry anymore. I had a feeling of butterflies in my stomach, that has been a while since I felt that. My sister and my mother came into the livingroom. Shit I forgot to be quiet. 'Where have you been?' My sister asked me.

'Heaven...' I awnsered swiftly. I slowly walked towards my room as I heard my mom and sis talking behind me.

'Is she high?' My sister said. But honestly I couldn't care less. He held my hand... more important: we shared an umbrella!

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