chapter six - the fight

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Your pov

I woke up with a headache heavier then a pile of bricks. I sighted a turned to my side to see hanbin. What was he doing here? His house is next door, how much effort would it take to... wait.. the party.. I didn't have any memory of it. Did I even go at all? I tried to remember what happend.

I remembered taking a nap on the couch after buying grandma kim her present. Wait I didn't sleep that long did I?

Okay Aimi, stay calm. So.. I went to sleep and woke up at.. shit what was the time? Ahhh so annoying, I wasn't even drunk or anything, why couldn't I remember. I looked at Hanbin and noticed him holding my hand. I suddenly started to feel a bit awkward. I admit, holding his hand was nice.. it was big and if made me feel saver.


Okay so.. Hanbin came to pick me up. No memory of that either. I did remember that I opened the door.. He said something, right? But what? I didn't understand what he said at the time.. THAT'S IT! I PASSED OUT!

No.. nononononooo NOOOO! I PASSED OUT AND MISSED THE PARTY. Why on earth did I pass out? And why on earth right on that moment? I shook my head. Aishh so annoyinggggg! Although it was kind of cute that Hanbin actually stayed with me and took care of me. I was gratefull. I looked at his face again. Why did my best friend grow up so handsome? It would be so much easier for me if he looked like shit. His eyes slowly openend and I blushed. I quickly looked away. Shit. I wasn't staring hahaha. Nope.

'What time is it?' He asked sleepy.

'I don't know.' I awnsered.

He looked at our hands and quickly pulled his hand back. Shit he must've noticed that I didn't pull back.. he grabbed his phone and looked at the time. '11 am, Imma shower 'kay?' He said. I just nodded. He climbed over me and got up. Thank god he was wearing pants. You never know?

While he was taking a shower, his phone screen suddenly lighted up. He got a message. I didn't want to be nosy or anything, but I still looked at the screen. Could've been important.

It was jinhwan.. my heart started raising, which made no sense, since the message was directed to hanbin and not to me. But still, it stressed me out and made my hands sweaty. I sat up to read the message.

'Too bad you said I couldn't come over to her house last night. I couldn't sleep because of it. Is she all right?'

What? She? Am I she? I was confused. I was pretty sure I was she. I mean Hanbin was here last night, right? Jinhwan was worried? Hanbin wouldn't let him come over? Why not? He knew I liked him, right?

right on that moment Hanbin came into my room wearing the same as he wore before going into the shower, only this time his hair was wet. It made sense though, he didn't bring any spare clothes. I looked at him.

'What?' He asked.

'Why didn't you let him come over?' I asked.

'Were you awake?' He asked confused.

I wasn't.. but telling him I snooped through his messages.. no. Lying wouldn't help me in this situation.

'He texted you and I saw it. What the hell Hanbin? You know I like him, right?' I said.

'Why the hell would you read my messages?'

'Does it matter right now?'

'Yes it does. I thought I could trust you.'

'What??? I'm the one who should be saying that.' I stood up.

'What do you mean? You can't trust me or anything? Well, I'm freaking sorry, Aimi. For not letting a stranger, for you, into your house, late at night. Next time, I'll give them a warmhearted welcome!' He said sarcasticly.

'No! You indeed shouldn't let strangers into my house. But you know how I feel why would you say that?' (SORRY FOR QUOTING KIM K, I JUST HAD TO!)

'You know what? Nevermind.' He grabbed his phone out of my hands. 'I'm going home.' He said.


He walked to my livingroom and I followed him. 'YEAH I WILL HAVE A LOT OF FUN, BEING SAVE. YOU HAVE FUN LETTING EVERY GOODLOOKING GUY IN!' Hanbin shouted back at me.

'Are you calling me a slut?!' I asked offended. He turned around and looked me right in my eyes. 'What if I am?' He asked me. Oh no he didn't.

He walked away and I just stared at him. The door slammed shut and I was still staring at it. Did we just fight?

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