chapter five pt. 2 - Allergic

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Your pov

I woke up hearing loud bounces on my front door. I sat up straight rubbing in my eyes. What the hell? How late is it? I looked at the clock and my heart skipped a beat. 7:45 pm. Shitshitshit. I ran to the front door but I regretted it the same second I stood up. A pain shot through my head like a thousend needles were pooked into it, all in once. I stopped walking and grabbed my head. That's when I noticed the sweat on my body. Yeah that was normal for me but not like this. I forced myself to keep walking to the front door to open it up. It was Hanbin. He looked worried. He said something but I only heard a faint sound. And that's when everything slowly turned black and I felt myself falling down into a pair of big soft arms.

Hanbin's pov

I looked in the mirror and pulled my tie straight. To be honest, I didn't feel like going. Because I knew what would happen. Jinhwan and Aimi would flirt in their awkwardturtle kind of way, and I would just sit there being jealous. But I couldn't reject Aimi? It totally worked though. If only she wouldn't have asked the last time.

suck it up Kim Hanbin. You could do this.

My mom walked up to me and told me to go and get Aimi. I nodded and walked outside. It was pretty cool that she lived next door.

I knocked on her door but no one opened it. I knocked again. I walked to the window to see if she was just ignoring me but the curtains were closed.

Aishh she put so much effort in convincing me to take her with me and now she wouldn't even open the door?!

I grabbed my phone to call her. She didn't awnser. I started to worry. I texted her several times but she didn't react. I walked back to my house and told my mom what was going on. What if Aimi passed out or something?

We walked to her house together, and started to bounce on the door. Still no reaction. It was 7:30 already what the heck? Maybe she wasn't even at home? Did she just bail on me? No she wouldn't, right?

'Hunny I'm not sure if she's even at home?' My mom said.

'She is, trust me. Maybe she's on her laptop and forgot about the time? I'll call her on skype.' I told her.

10 minutes later she still didn't react. We tried to contact her on everything. I loosened my tie. Geez, Aimi, you got me worried. I was about to freak out, seriously. I started bouncing on the door, harder and harder. Untill the door opened. I saw Aimi standing in the hallway. She was dressed up but she looked like shit. She was all sweaty and her eyes were half closed.

'Are you okay??' I asked her.

Her eyes closed and she fell down but I was just in time to catch her. I picked her up in my arms and brought her to her room to lay her in her bed. I covered her with the blankets as my mom came into the room.

'What happend??' She asked.

'I.. I don't know. She wasn't sick or anything?'

Mom came closer to feel her forhead. 'Maybe an allergic reaction?' She suggested.

'She hasn't been using anything weird lately.. I think?' But then it hit me. The talkpowder.

'Shit.. she has been using talkpowder. I remember when we were little and she told me she was allergic. I totally forgot! Aishh how can she be that stupid?!' I got annoyed.

My mom sighted. 'Well can you take care of her? Do you mind if I go to grandma Kim alone or do you want me to stay here?' She asked.

'No, you go.' I said. I was kind off disappointed though, but there was no way in hell I'd ever leave her alone here. 'The present Aimi bought is probably on the table in the livingroom. Give Grandma a hug from me 'kay?' I smiled.

My mom thanked me and kissed my forehead. After that she left. Now it was just me and Aimi.

I layed down beside her in her bed. No weird thoughts though. I played with her hair and sighted. 'I always tell you to be carefull, don't I?' I said as I fell asleep myself.

You know that feeling, when you are half asleep, but half awake and you're half dreaming, not actually dreaming but just the feeling that you are. And suddenly you feel like you're falling down, and you open your eyes in shock but then you realize you were dreaming. Sounds weird, doesn't it? But I'm sure you can relate. Well that woke me up. I wonder if dreams like that have a name. I grabbed my phone and checked if my mom called me. She didn't, but someone else did.. Jinhwan..

I stood up and walked out of Aimi's room. I needed to call him back, maybe it was important. Why else would Jinhwan call me if it wasn't important? He never did?

'Yo what's is it?' I asked as soon as he picked up.

'Hanbin! I heard you weren't at grandma's party because that girl passed out? I got worried, is everything ok?' He asked. Oh woah. That's nice, I guess? I though we didn't have that kind of bond. I smiled.

'I'm okay haha, thanks. Don't worry, I'll see you at-'

'I wasn't worried about you, idiot. How's the girl?' He cut me off. Auwch.. harsh. My smile disapeared.

'"The girl" has a name. And why are you worried if you don't even know her or her name?' I asked.

'She comes to the store a lot, and I don't know.. she's kind of cute.' He said shy.

I sighted. Geez. 'She had an allergic reaction to talkpowder. She was sweaty and passed out.'

'woah man.. I can come over to make some soup or-'

'Don't.' I said. His concern annoyed me. It made me angry somehow. I wasn't jealous or anything.. just annoyed. 'I'm here for her and I can make her soup or porridge or anything by myself. She doesn't need you so you go sleep, don't worry, we'll be just fine.' I hung up like that. Aimi will kill me if she finds out I actually said no to him coming over. I looked around if she was there. Just my luck, she wasn't. I walked back to her room and crawled into her bed under the blankets. I grabbed her hand and softly kissed it. I wasn't jealous.. I just didn't want her to be sad over a break up or if Jinhwan would act like an asshole. I'm sure he wouldn't, but let's not risk it. Aimi felt like a sister to me so I needed to protect her like a brother. That was it. Haha.. jealousy. Not me. I still held her hand as I fell asleep.

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