chapter three - meet kim hanbin

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Aimi pov

Anyone got that friend who always comes by with the food you always eat together, and then you go and watch that movie you always watch together but it never gets old?

Meet my friend Kim Han Bin.

Hanbin was my best friend. Yes I know what they say.. 'guys and girls can't be best friends, there always is some kind of feeling involved.' Well there isn't. I loved him, as a friend. And he loved me too, also as a friend.

Okay I admit, I used to have feelings for him. But not anymore. That was 3 years ago.

It started when we were three. He lived next door and we used to play together every day. When we entered elementary school they put us is in the same class. We'd been in the same class ever since. When we were six he confessed that he loved me ever since we were four. He kissed my cheek and I turned him down. All of it was taken way too seriously honestly. However, I never looked at him like that and I felt awkward. Besides, we were six. We had no idea what love was. We still might not know. But after I turned him down I started noticing his cute laughs and silly comments. The sparkle in his eyes and stuff like that. You know, cheesy things. I figured that I liked him when I was around eleven, when we entered high school. Then too, our ways didn't part. Expecting that he already got over me, I decided to keet it hidden. My crush lasted for three years more and stopped when he got a girlfriend. His first one. From that moment I was sure he got over me and gave my hopes up.

Anyways, enough with the background stories thing.

Today too, Hanbin came over to my house with pizza and strawberry milk and we would watch 'twenty'.

He gave me my pizza and we planted ourselves on the couch before I started the movie. Ofcourse I already told Hanbin about the moleguy, and you have no idea how badly I wanted to start talking about him, but I didn't. I knew how annoying it could get if someone kept talking about their crush. Part of me didn't want to be annoying. Though part of me for some reason really wanted to tell Hanbin how cute moleguy was when he wore his beanie yesterday.

"So how about your crush-person?" he asked with his mouth full of pizza, not breaking his stare at my laptop which played the movie. THANK GOD HE ASKED ME ABOUT IT. THIS MEANT I COULD RANT ABOUT IT ALL I WANTED WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY! I smiled at the thought of moleguys face.

I told Hanbin all about him and his... well... his face. I didn't really know anything about his personallity since I never actually spoke to the guy. Except for the time I him about how sweaty my hands were. Darn it, I was so stupid. I cringed at the thought of it.

I explained to Hanbin that I didn't know anything about him, apart from how handsome he was.

"So basically you're crushing on a random boy you don't even know who might be seven years older?" Hanbin concluded.

"I guess." I rested my head in my hands. "Does that make me a pervert?" I desperatly asked.

"Uh... I don't know about that. But I guess it's not really- how do you say that? Common? Or normal?" Hanbin carefully said.

"Love doesn't know age!" I protested. "Look at my parents and how amazing I turned out." I said, referring to my parents with fifteen years age diffirence. He laughed and pushed me away, telling me to stop being cocky.

Nevertheless, it didn't exactly turn out great. As a matter of fact, they broke up four years ago because my dad had a business-trip-thingy for work to England. He cheated on her and they broke up.

But like I said, enough with the background stories.

"Why don't you try saying hi? Just to begin with." he nonchalantly suggested.

I just stared at him. What the heck? Say hi?

"Why would I?"

"You like him, don't you?"

"It's more like a crush, since I don't really-"

"You want him to like you back, don't you?"

"Yes, of course. But like I said, it's not really liking, it's more like being interested in his lifestyle. "

"Interested in his lifestyle or whatever. You want him to notice you, so say hi!" He rolled his eyes and focussed his gaze back on the movie.

"I can't~" I whined. Though I didn't really understand it myself. Hello and hi were one of the first words you learn as a kid. So why was it so hard for me to say it?

"That's it." Hanbin said before he rudely took the slice of pizza out of my hand. He paused the movie and turned to face me.

"W-why?" I pouted.

"Practice." He said. He looked me right in my eyes, barely blinking. It was scary as hell but the idea wasn't that bad. At first I didn't really take him serious.

"Are you serious?" Is what I asked him. "We aren't in elementary anymore. Role play is lame. " I complained.

"just do it." He cried out.

"Okay, okay." I said, going along with his idea. "Hi." I started. "I'm sorry about my sweaty hands last time. They don't always sweat, only when it's hot, or when i'm nervous. Not that I was nervous. That's why I wash my hands more often than others." I said, just blushing from the thought of it.

"You're hopeless." Hanbin concluded.

I sighted. He was right. I was such an awkward turtle.

"I just don't get it. When I'm with you I can't seem to shut up, but when I see him I'm just lost for words. How annoying! "

He looked at me with pity. I hated that look. That was the reason I never told anyone when I was sad and never cried in front of anyone. Except for Hanbin.

"And what if I go with you?" He asked.

My sad expression changed into a smile. "Really? "He nodded slowly.

"But..." he began.

My smile disappeared and I cocked a brow. Of course there would be a special condition.

"Give me half of your pizza." He said.

"Asshole." I said softly as I gave him 4 slices of my precious pepperoni pizza.

"Crybaby." He spoke.


"Idiot." He mimicked me.

I rolled my eyes. "Childish..."

He stuck his tongue out to me as I started the movie. He turned back to the laptop to watch the rest of the movie. I smiled. although we were just calling each other names and making fun of one another most of the time, it was fun and I was gratefull to have a friend like Hanbin.

I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the movie, though I couldn't concentrate. I was so tired. It wouldn't hurt anyone if I fell asleep, would it? I slowly closed my eyes and folded my arms in front of chest.

"Thanks Hanbin." I said with a hazy sleepy voice. The last thing I felt was Hanbins arm around my shoulders as he said "anytime." before falling asleep.

Yes,  yes. It's still finished. I just noticed how poorly it was written and I was ashamed, so I wanted to change it. I'll probably change all the other chapters too, so sorry if you get confusing updates sometimes. Thanks for reading. It's a shame you read it before it was edited, but oh well. I'm also sorry for swearing so much earlier.

Thanks for reading! ^^

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