chapter thirteen - "just how fast the night changes"

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I couldn't sleep at all. What in the world did Jinhwan mean by 'just admit that you like her already'? I couldn't help but having night changes by one direction stuck in my head. The lyrics was just so accurate right now.

Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?

Creepy how accurate something could be. I grabbed my phone to check how late it was. 3 am.. This was tiring. I hated not being able to sleep. It usually happend when I was sick but now I just couldn't stop thinking about Hanbin. I was worried about him. He seemed upset. Jinhwan too.

I sat up and looked at my phone again. I opened what's app to check Hanbins last seen. He was still online. I see.. so he couldn't sleep either huh? Somehow I was nervous to begin a conversation, which was weird. Ugh we were best friends, I should be able to normally talk to him. 'Aimi fighting!' I said to encourage myself.

3.02 am - Aimi: 'Hey.'

3.02 am - Hanbin: 'Hi'

3.03 am - Aimi: 'i can't sleep.'

3.03 am - Hanbin: 'yeah me neither.'

3.03 am - Aimi: 'Can we talk?'

It took him longer to respond to that.

3.05 am - Hanbin: 'yeah, sure.'

3.05 am - Aimi: 'come out front. I'll be there in a minute.'

3.05 am - Hanbin: '👌'

I got up an grabbed my pants. Yeah I wasn't wearing one, don't judge. It was summer.. it was hot.

I quietly walked towards the front door grabbing my keys and a vest. I looked like shit, but it was hanbin so who cared? Not that he wasn't worth dressing up for, but he saw me when I just woke up and when I cried my heart out. I've looked worse than this.
'Where do you think you're going?'

Shit, I got caught. I turned around to look at my sister.

'Okay so listen I'm in a fight with Hanbin.. I think.. or jinhwan.. I don't know. Anyways I need to figure out what happend.. and who I'm fighting with.. and if I'm fighting.. well.. let's just say I need to go please don't tell mom.' I said as I pressed my hands together. I just felt her judging me.

'Go. But be back before 6 am. That's when mom wil wake up, and I don't want to get in trouble.' She said. At moments like these I really loved her.

I thanked her and opened the door to softly close it afterworths. I saw Hanbin leaning against the wall in front of our houses. I awkwardly smiled and he nodded as a greet. I leaned to the wall too, next to him.

'So what is it that you want to talk about?' Hanbin asked.

'What was Jinhwan talking about?' I came straight to the point.

He blushed. 'I don't know..' he said. Oh he obviously knew. I grabbed his nose and turned his head to face me.

'Dude, you know something. The reason I can't sleep is because I was worried about you so stop denying everything.' I said. It was very very very awkward to ask this, but I just had to know it.
'Jinhwan said something like "just admit that you like her already".. so..'

I let go of his nose and looked away.
'Do you like me..?' I softly said.

Suddenly I felt two cold hands on my cheeks, which made me shiver, turning my head. I felt warmth being shot through my body like a bullet as I tried to figure out what was happening. O god.. I had my eyes closed because I was too afraid to open them. And that's when I realized it.. he kissed me.

I couldn't even feel the cold of his hands on my cheeks. The only thing I felt was his warm lips on mine and the butterflies flying through my stomach. I always wondered what his lips felt like. Well now I knew.
It felt like it lasted forever, and I somehow really wished it did. But it stopped.

He quickly looked away but I couldn't move. No.. it stopped. I already missed it.. Was this what it felt like to be in love?

'Hanbin?' I whispered.

'No don't talk.' He said.

'You still didn't give me an awnser.' I said.

'Wasn't that enough?'

'No. It wasn't.'

'Yes.' He said shyly.

'Yes, what?'

'Omg Aimi.. really? Yes. Yes I like you.' He said and he looked at me. He was still blushing.

'Hmm.. okay.' I smiled at the ground.

'What?' He said and he was suddenly able to talk normally again.

'What what?' I asked.

'Okay? Is that all? If you're gonna reject me, do it properly.' He sounded sad.

'Who said I was going to reject you?' I said. I grabbed his hand and held it with both of mine.

'Your hands are cold.' I said.

'Your hands are sweaty..' Hanbin said.

'Shut up.'

'You shut up.'


'Sweaty chicken..'

'Yah! Who's the chicken?'

'You are. You can't even reject me.' He complained.

'I can.'

'Then do it.' He challenged me.



'I like you too.' I said.

'Wait what?'

I looked at him and smiled. Then I walked to my frontdoor and grabbed my keys. He walked after me.

'Aimi, you can't just leave now. What did you say?' Hanbin said.

I opened my frontdoor and winked at him. 'Watch me.' I whispered as I walked in and closed the door.

'What? Aimi?!' He whispered loud.

I leaned against the door. I knew he was still there. He couldn't just leave.

'Hanbin?' I asked to check if he was still there.

'Yeah?' He was.

'Goodnight.' I said.

'Goodnight..' he awnsered.
I smiled and walked to my bed. I layed down. My smile just wouldn't disappear. Yeah.. I was sure.. I liked him. I kicked my legs around and giggled. Ahhh omgshhh ottoke ottoke I just kissed Hanbin!

My phone buzzed. I was being called. This late? I looked at my phone. It was hanbin.. My smile grew bigger as I picked up.

'Hey.' I whispered.

'I love you.' He said.

Beep beep beep beep

He hung up? He just called to tell me he loved me?


I kicked my legs around again and laughed. I was being waayy to loud but I couldn't care less. How was I going to sleep tonight?

And again: does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changed? Do you see the connections? Hmmm? HMMMM?
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