chapter fifteen - be my girlfriend, hanbin.

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Hanbin's pov

We were in class and I was leaning with my head on my hand. Aimi sat beside me laying with her head on the table. She was sleeping. How cute. I grabbed my eraser and tore a piece off it. I threw it at her head, but since it was a small piece, it wouldn't hurt. It hit her cheek. She moved her nose a bit. I threw another piece. She squeezed her eyes and scratched her cheek. Wake up already geez. I threw another piece and this time, she woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. I smiled at her and she blushed. Aaaahhh so cuuutee. Although she didn't turned away.

I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote something on it. I folded it and threw it at her.

She blushed as she read it and pulled a piece of eraser out of her hair. Was she always this cute or was the fact that she liked me back just making her cuter?

your pov

I woke up by something that hit my forhead. What the hell? Where was I? Was I sleeping in class again? I opened my eyes and saw Hanbin smiling at me. I blushed. Ah hell, stop smiling already..

He threw a piece of paper. Was I supposed the read it? I folded it open and read it.

What are you doing after school?
And also, there's a piece of an eraser in you hair.
No idea how that came there... ^///^ hehe

I blushed again and got the eraser out of my hair. Stupid Hanbin... But was he asking my on a date? No way, this happend everyday, just because we liked each other, which felt weird to admit but I really did like him back, didn't mean it was automaticly a date..

I grabbed a pen.

Nothing. Why? Want to hang out?

I threw it back at his face and closed my eyes again. What if he would smile again? I'd explode. Why was it so diffirent all of the sudden? I mean, we only kissed.. Okay no that's not 'only'.. but.. This was way to difficult to understand for me. Maybe I should ask Taeyeon..

The same piece of paper bumped into my nose, ruining my thoughts.

Yeah :) let's go to the park. I want some icecream.

This didn't sound like the recular thing we did. Was it a date after all? No.. that wasn't logical at all. We weren't actually going out.. wait we weren't going out right?

Yeah sure. I'll pay for us. You payed for the pizza last time.

i wrote down.

No. I can't let you pay on our first date. I'll pay. See you after class, sleepy head.

OKAY SO IT WAS A DATE. My face turned red and my layed my head down, my nose facing the table. Wait.. were we going out or not? AISHH SO CONFUSING. This was the last class today so I wouldn't have any time to ask Taeyeon.. okay I was screwed.

•••time skip•••

Your pov

It was just after school and we were walking in the park. The weather was nice. The mood was too. It didn't feel like a date at all. He was acting like the same old Hanbin. Maybe we just weren't fit to be a couple. Or did we act like a couple all the time, without me even noticing? Well if I think about it... I fell asleep on his shoulder, he took me to bed, he took care of me when I was sick, he was worried, he brushed my hair sometimes... or was that just being a good friend?

'So.. how about us?' He suddenly asked.

I stopped walking and looked at him with wide eyes and red cheeks.
'Whaaaaattt?' I asked.

'What? You said you liked me right? O-or did I misunderstood.. Oh I'm so sorry!' he said.

'Nononoooo I did say that.. but how can you be so casual about it?' I looked down. So embarassing..

'What? We can talk about everything right? We're friends.' He said. I looked up at him and he smiled at me. He was right. Why was it so awkward? I nodded at him and we walked to a bench nearby.

'So.. why are you so nervous?' He asked.

'I don't know.. I'm just being dumb, I guess. It's just that I don't know what couples do..'

'So you wan't to be my girlfriend?' He asked. I quickly lifted my head to look at him but his was so close. I squeeled and looked down again, still blushing.

'I don't know..' i whispered.

'Aimi just clearly tell me what you want. This is confusing even for me.' he said.

'Cocky bastard..' i whispered under my breath.

I looked up at him, staring straight into his eyes. If I was going to do it, I had to do it right, right?

'Do you want to be my girlfriend?' I asked.

He laughed. What? No.. I was nervous enough already! Was he playing with me? No? What? I didn't understand... my hands were soaked and I looked at the ground.

'No Aimi.' He suddenly said, as he calmed down.

'What why? You kissed me and-'

'I'm not a girl. So I don't want to be your girlfriend.' He said. What? Did I say.. girlfriend?



I covered my face in my hands and shook my head. Noononoo idiot idiot idiot!

'But.. do you want to be my girlfriend instead?' Hanbin suddenly said.

I looked up. Was he serious? So he wasn't playing with me? I didn't understand it at all. Was I really that stupid? But it didn't matter. There were so many riscs in this decision and I could lose my best friend ever, but honestly, I didn't care.

There were so many good sides too. I wouldn't have to hide my feelings, I could walk hand in hand with him and show him off and be proud. And I would get to kiss him. Don't judge.

I nodded.

He smiled and grabbed both of my hands with his.

'I'm so happy I am aloud to do this right now.' He said as he leaned in and kissed me. The butterflies in my stomach were active once again and I smiled. It was a quick kiss, but as soon as it stopped I let go of his hand and grabbed his face to pull him in again. I kissed him, but this time longer. I had been longing to this all the time and now, it was finally happening. I loved him. Although it was to soon to say, even though we've been best friends. The last time on the phone was the first time I heard him say it. Usually it was me teasing him with things like 'you loooove me!' or 'you know I love you.' but now we were heading for moment when I could say it and mean it in a loveydovey kind if way.

I smiled and that's where the kiss ended. I was happy. Honestly happy.
He hugged me and I tried to think about bad things but I just couldn't think about them anymore.

'Thanks.' I whispered.

'Thank you too.' He whispered back.

'No problem.' I said.

And I fell asleep.

Yeah.. ofcourse. The story has an ending like this. Knowing Aimi, she falls asleep everywhere. But the story doesn't end here. I came with an idea of making a new book, based on Aimi's friend Chay's life. If you want to read it you can look it up. It's called Mr. Idiot. I'll publish the first chapter March 27. Thanks everyone for reading sweaty hands, it means so much to me. I hope all of you enjoyed the story. There's one more chapter coming for this story, but it's really short.

Well kids, stay healthy and remember: never go out in you neon pink hannah hoodie, never use talkpowder against sweaty hands and NEVER ask a guy to be your girlfriend.

Now I think about it, why not? It worked out for Aimi pretty well!

Byekii  ̄ 3 ̄

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