chapter eleven - a mouth full of cereal

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Hanbin's pov

'Baby.. you are.. just... just right.' Was the sound that woke me up. I groaned and grabbed my phone to turn my alarmclock off. I always woke up with that song (got7 - just right. If you don't know it, you should listen to it, it's fun ♡). I sat up straight and ran with my hand through my hair. I forgot to turn of my alarm last night. I still had it on because we went to the zoo yesterday and I had to get up early. It was only 9 am and I was awake. Geez.. Would Aimi be awake already?

I walked to the livingroom and saw Jinhwan there. He was smiling and it annoyed me. We used to be close, but he ruined it by flirting with Aimi. Why would he do that if it was obvious for him that I liked her? Not that I'd ever admit that but I knew he knew. I just knew..

'What are you all happy about?' I asked him.

'Hey Hanbin.. do you like Aimi?'
I looked away while blushing. Geez could he read minds or something?

'What? No. Why do you ask?' I said.

'Good.. Cause I think I do.' He said blushing and looking down.

It's not like I didn't notice.. but.. I didn't think he'd actually admit it.
'I was gonna ask her out but I don't know where to take her.' I said. Was he asking me for help? The bastard.. I sighted. At least he wasn't some douchbag who was going to treat her wrong.

'Take her to the gamehall or something like that. Or go see a movie with her. She likes watching movies and playing games. Though she'll probably fall asleep.. Don't take it personal, she falls asleep all the time. In the car, on the couch, in the cinema, even in class! mmmm I was gonna say the zoo but we went there yesterday. Oh and-'

'You know her so well..' her interupted me.

Well.. yeah I-'

'Are you sure you don't like her?' Jinhwan said as he came closer.

'Yeah.. we've been friends for a long time..' I blushed. He smiled.

'Thanks for the advice. I'm out.' Jinhwan said as he left. What the hell..

Jinhwan's pov

I walked outside. Why couldn't he just admit that he liked her? It was so obvious. But I liked her too.. But we could've talked about it. I wasn't actually planning on asking her out, but he gave me permission, so why wouldn't I?

your pov

9:30 am.. damnit it was sunday.. this wasn't the right time for me to get up. But since I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore, I might as well watch anime. I sat on the couch in my oveesized black hoodie and a grey legging. I was eating cereal with honey flavour. I hated honey, but this was the only cereal we had.

The doorbell rang and I slowly stood up, shoving one big spoon of cereal into my mouth. I was taking my tablet which I was watching Nisekoi (an anime) on with me. The doorbell rang again. 'YEAH ALMOST THERE!' It was probably Hanbin.

Buuuuut it wasn't Hanbin.. it was jinhwan. And there I was.. An uncharming payama, a mouth full of cereal and japanese way-too-high voices in the background.

'G-goodmownin' i said with a mouth full. I felt my face grew hot as he smiled at the sight of my uncharming self.

'Goodmownin' he said mocking me.

'What are you up to today?' He asked.

wait.. was he asking me what I was going to do.. He came all the way to my door just to ask me what I going to do? Was he going to ask me on a.. no that can't be..

'Um I.. I uhh.. I think nothing..' i said.

'Wanna go out?' He asked me blushing a bit.

I smiled widely. 'Really?!' I asked. He just nodded and looked away.

'YEA.. I mean um sure yeah.. how late? Where? what are we going to do? How late?' I asked, trying to sound casually.

'Uhm.. well 11:30 am? I won't tell you what we're going to do yet. Dress up casually 'kay? And um I'll pick you up.. hihi' He said. Omgsh he giggled. I nodded and smiled as he waved my goodbye and left. Oh. My. God. I WAS GOING ON A DATE WITH MOLEGUY!

thanks for reading! Please comment if you found any mistakes or if you have tips or anything. ♡

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