
185 23 11

I know a girl for a while
Who fall in love in just a while
Whenever he looks her way
Her heart seems to skip away

Each time he speaks to her
She doesn't seem to care
This friend of mine loves to talk
But he can cause her not to walk

She loves to put her hair in tie
He's the only one who can make her tongue-tied
His smiles can make her think that she's just died
This I swear and hope not to die

I wonder if she can really wait
Or if there is something that she must wait
For him who gave his heart away
I wonder if he'll let somene come his way

I think he knows his effects on her
That he can take her abilities away from her
This man, I know is not oblivious
For the way she responds is obvious.

She tried to stop the obsession
But she can't break away from his possession
So I am sorry for this mindless salutation
Coz I'm also waiting for their conclusion.

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