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I am sorry

I should have not done it

But I thought it was right

I am sorry

I am sorry for letting you go

I am sorry for not listening

I am sorry for being sensible

I am sorry for not stopping you from chasing your dream even you begged me to stop you

I am sorry for not answering that particular call that Monday morning

I am sorry for signing your warrant for arrest unknowingly

I am sorry
For the happy memories we both created

I am sorry both of us can't forget

I am sorry
For allowing the distance to break us

I am sorry

I am sorry for your hypocrisy
For not following your own directions that night
Because if you did
I won't be writing this today

I am sorry
For the wordless night calls we've exchanged

I am sorry
For the sounds of our mixed sobs
That surely echoed in our rooms and would be tattooed in our minds

I am sorry

We ended not the way we want to

I am sorry

I made the right decision

I am sorry

I'm sorry sometimes I am not sorry at all

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