Oh Baby!!

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*Ricky finally gets to the hospital, Madison and Lauren take John to Madison and Jacks  house*

*Anne, Nora,Margret, Shakur, George, and Kathleen are all in the visitors room*

Ricky - *runs by Amy's side* *kisses her* Amy ! Are you okay?Do you need  me to do anything?

Amy- *In the middle of a bad contraction* Hold my hand!!!

Ricky- You got it *holds her hand and rubs her back*


George- I wonder how Amy's doing.. maybe we should just go in there and check on her

Anne- No, she specifically said she only wants Ricky in there with her. He missed it last time.

George- Ugh fine. I wonder what they're gonna name her?

Anne- Probably Anne

Margret- Or Margret!

Nora- Uh hello! They're obviously gonna name her Nora!

Anne- I'm Amy's mom I'm pretty sure she would name her after me

Kathleen- Or Kathleen?

Anne, Nora & Margret- No!

Kathleen- Okay then it was just a suggestion!

*Grace & Adrian come running in*

Grace &Adrian - Did she have the baby yet???

Anne- No,but she's 7 centimeters dilated. So the baby should be coming soon. I just hope she's okay..

Margret- I'm sure she's in pain, but she'll be fine.

Grace- Do you guys know what she's gonna name the baby?

Anne, Margret, Nora, Kathleen-No!

*5 1/2 hours later *

*Amy's pushing and crying*

Ricky- Your almost there Amy, your doing a great job!

*Amy sighs*

Amy- This hurts so bad *crying* Ricky- I wish I could take the pain away. *kisses her forehead * One last push!

*Amy pushes and they hear a loud cry. Amys head falls back in relief and Ricky can't stop smiling. He's so happy. Amy holds the baby.Ricky kisses Amy in the lips*

Ricky- Good job Amy. I love you!

Amy- I love you too Ricky. You can go get our parents  now

Ricky- Okay

Amy-*talks to baby *Hey little girl I'm your momma.

*Anne walks in*

Anne- AMY! OMG. *looks at the baby* She's beautiful *She has hair and eyes like Ricky's, a nose and mouth like Amy's.

Amy- Isn't she?*Amy smiles*

*Ricky comes in with Nora, Margret and Shakur*

Nora- *crying* Oh my Gosh she's so  perfect

*Ricky smiling*

Margret- Yes she is! Do you guys have a name for her ?

Ricky- Yes, but we're gonna wait until John gets here to announce it.

*George and Kathleen come in*

George- Oh Ames she's gorgeous

*Madison and Lauren dropped John off to Grace and Adrian when they found out Amy had the baby. They are coming to visit later on*

*Grace and Adrian come in the room with John holding their hand*

Ricky- Hey buddy. Do you wanna see your sister?

John-YESSS!!! *John runs up to Amy and hugs her*

Amy- Hey sweetie.

John- *looks at his sister* Is this my sister?

Amy- Yes John. What do you think about her?

John- She's so cute! *Amy and Ricky look at each other and smile*

What's her name?

Ricky- Her name is...*looks at Amy*

Amy- Emily, Emily Underwood (So now they have John and Emily :-) )

Everyone awe's at the sound of her name.

*They all stayed for a while, Madison and Lauren came, and then everyone left to let Amy rest. John went home with Margret and Shakur. Ricky went to get Amy some food*

*Amy woke up and suddenly saw someone in her room*


Ashley- Yeah hi. So umm where's the baby at?

Amy- She's in the nursery with the other babies. How are you! I've missed you.

Ashley- No you haven't. I just came to see the baby

Amy- Well you know someone had to give birth to the baby. You could be nice to her...

Ashley- Ugh fine. HI AMY*she says sarcastically *

Amy- Much better! *Amy laughs and rolls her eyes *

Ashley- Where's Ricky?

*Ricky suddenly walks in*

Ricky- I'm right here. *He sees Ashley* Hey Ashley! How are you!

Ashley- I'm good! How are you!

Ricky- Great!I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming or I would've gotten you a slice of pizza

Ashley- It's fine I ate on the plane ride

Amy- How long are you staying here for?

Ashley- I've decided to move back

Ricky- Really? *Ricky says happy*

Amy- Really?*Amy says annoyed*

Ashley- Oh Amy don't get too happy. You might just fall off a cliff*Ashley says happily*

*Amy rolls her eyes*

*The nurse comes in and gives Amy the baby* *Ashley comes over and Amy lets her hold Emily*

Ashley- *talking to Emily* I'm so sorry to tell you this,but you have a very annoying mom. I feel so bad for you

Amy- SHUT UP! *She says angrily*

*Suddenly Ricky comes in trying to calm her down*

Ricky- Hey Amy. Do you want your pizza now?

Ashley- Of course she does, instead of eating a salad she would rather get even more fat.

*Ricky looks at her speechless *

Ricky- Amy isn't fat.

Amy- Just give me my baby and go! You didn't even come to see her, you just came to annoy me...

Ashley- That's what I do best. *whispers to Emily* I'll be praying for you Em. *Ashley then leaves*

Amy- *talking to Ricky* Oh My God I hate her so much! She annoys the crap out of me.

Ricky- I know,but don't focus on her, we just had a baby !! Yayy!

Amy- Yay*Amy says sarcastically still mad at Ashley*


Hey guys! Woah! As you can see there was a lot of drama at the end!!! I wonder what Amy will do or say to Ashley next?Let me know what you think. Thank you so much for reading, again I appreciate each and everyone of you so much! I hope you all have a great Christmas! I will be updating before New Years :) Shekinah Xx.

The Secret Life of The American Teenager, Where are They Now. Book #1 Where stories live. Discover now