Wedding Drama!

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*1 month later *
*Its about 10 am on a Saturday,Amy is playing peek-a-boo with Emily. John is getting ready to go to baseball practice for a few hours. Anne has been bugging Amy to bring Emily over so she's going to go out while Emily's there. Ricky's doing some laundry*
Ricky- Hey Amy are you excited to meet up with all the girls today?
Amy- Yeah! I just hope Grace isn't too stressed out.
*Grace is getting ready for her wedding, which is in 2 months! So she decided to have lunch with her best friends from high school/ her bridesmaids to talk about the wedding! Her bridesmaids are: Alice, Adrian, Madison, Lauren, and Amy! They're all sitting at the table at Geoffs. *
Grace- So you guys I'm kind of going a little crazy over this wedding
Adrian- Kind of?
Grace- Okay a lot crazy, but we still don't have the flower girls picked out, we don't know where the reception is, I don't know what I'm going to where and-
Amy- Grace! You need to calm down. Everything is going to be fine. We will handle it and obviously Emily is going to be the flower girl
Madison- No Destinee is
Adrian- Actually Eleanora is the flower girl
Alice- Are you guys really arguing about who's gonna be the flower girl?
Lauren- This is  why I don't have kids
Adrian-*looks her up and down* Yeah that's why... *they both roll their eyes*
Grace- Guys calm down! They can all be flower girls and Matthew, John, and OJ are the ring bearers.
Madison- That sounds fair!
Adrian- Yeah I guess... So where are you two going for the honeymoon?
Grace- My house? I don't know! We never talked about it
Adrian- You should go to Canada! I have a friend who lives there her name is Da-
Madison- *interrupts* You should go to India! I have a friend that lives there! Her name is Se-
Amy- *interrupts * Don't listen to them! You don't even know their friends! Go wherever you wanna go!
Adrian- Says the one that lied about getting married the first time
Amy- At least I didn't get a divorce!
Alice- Still don't know why I'm here..... *she says with her head resting on her arm*
Madison & Lauren- Same
*Jack and Ricky are at a coffee shop talking about the wedding! Ricky is Jack's best man, Ben and Henry (who is back from serving in the military) are his groomsmen. Matthew is with Kathleen*
Jack- Dude she's going crazy over this wedding.
Ricky- If you think she's going crazy you probably don't know what Kathleen is doing. Anne did everything for our wedding. In the process of it, she was crazy. Don't tell Amy this, but Amy was crazy too. I mean that whole eloping thing and then lying about the wedding was dumb, but I'm glad we finally got married 2 years ago
Jack- The worst part about it is that Grace wants to wait to have sex until we get married
Ricky- I really don't think we should be talking about's none of my business .
Jack- It's killing me...
Ricky- You'll be fine. If I got through it so will you...
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!:) I must admit the hardest thing about writing this book is that I keep writing the characters real names instead of the fictional ones (for example I keep saying Daren for Ricky & Camille for Lauren) I guess you can say I'm a REAL fan lol. Have a great week! Shekinah Xx

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