Chapter 2

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Above picture is Molly Weasley

-----------------Remus's POV---------------------

  Cassie laughs as I float up into the air. Her eyes sparkle when she looks up at me. I give her a smile, and I fall a bit because she loses her focus. Slowly, she brings me to the ground. "Round two?" I ask. "Let's go for it," She replies. We duel and duel, me letting her win most of the time.
    After class is over, I watch as Cassie goes off with Molly. As she walks away, I feel a small pang in my chest. Could I be sad that I'm not in her company any longer? That's impossible though. I'm Remus Lupin. I don't get feelings for girls. Snogging? Yes. But I can't get feelings for girls. Not with my.....problem.  But that's a story for later. At this moment however, I need to sort out my priorites.
    I walk to the library and pick a book at random. Pure Purebloods: Family Trees Ugh, no. I put the book back and pick another. Werewolves: How They Came to be. Nope. Not that one either. I go to a different section and pick another book. Hogwarts: A History. I have this one, but it won't hurt to read it again. As I try to bury myself into the book, my thoughts keep drifting back to Cassie. I just met her, I can't like her can I?
    Before I know it, I'm ten minutes late to dinner. I skipped three classes? That's unlike me to lose track of time. I rush to the Great Hall and slide in to my normal seat. Across from me is Cassie, who has a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay?" She asks. "You missed three classes." I nod. "I'm fine. I went to the library to read and lost track of time," I reply. "That's really not like you mate," James says, looking suspicious. "I know. I suppose it happens to all of us at some point or another," I say with a shrug.
    After dinner, we all walk up to the common room together. As Molly and Cassie begin to walk up the stairs to their dorm, they turn and tell us goodnight. "Goodnight," We all reply. Then we all walk up to our dorm.
    "Okay mate, why were you really in the library all afternoon?" James asks. "I told you. I just lost track of time while reading," I reply. Padfoot rolls his eyes. "We all know that isn't true Moony," He says. "I-um...I mean." I stutter. All of my friends laugh. "Could Moony have a crush on a girl?" Prongs teases. "I'm not really sure. It's just... I don't even know," I admit. "Well who's the girl?" Padfoot asks. I sigh. "Cassidy," I mumble. My friends grin.
    "You owe me three galleons Padfoot!" Prongs says. "Wait. You guys betted on whether or not I'd have a crush on Cassie?" I ask. Padfoot nods. "Yup. And now we'll help you get her," He says.  "I just met her. I'm not even sure that I like her," I say. Prongs smiles. "You'll fall for her. And when you do, we'll be here to help you."
    The next day, we're making Amortentia. It's a long process, but Cassie and I are done. "Please demonstrate," Professor Slughorn says. Cassie steps forward and slowly smells the potion. "I smell old books. It also smells like... Like I'm outside in autumn. I also smell something I can't identify," She says. Professor Slughorn smiles. "Good job, Mrs. Dremins. Now you do it Mr. Lupin," He says.
    I step forward and smell the potion. "I smell the ocean and chocolate. I also smell rosemary," I say. Cassie gives me a confused look, but soon shakes it off. We get to leave class early, and Cassie walked away without saying goodbye. I don't understand what I did wrong. We worked well during the potion making. We were laughing and joking like always. She started acting weirdly after we smelled the Amortentia. Could what I smelled have something to do with it?
    Later that evening, Cassie shows up to dinner like usual. Prongs and Padfoot give me pointed looks. "Hey Cassie," I say. She looks up and smiles. "Hey Remus." It's obviously a fake smile. "C-Can I talk to you after dinner?" I stutter. Cassie slowly nods. "I suppose so."
Cassie is unusually quiet during dinner, speaking only to Molly. When someone says something funny though, Cassie gives a breathtaking smile and a cute little giggle. After dinner is over however, Cassie lingers quietly until all of our friends have gone. Finally, I can ask the question that's been plaguing me all afternoon. One look at Cassie's face however, makes different words come out of my mouth.
"Do you wanna walk to the kitchens with me for some butterbeer?" I ask. Cassie looks up at me with a surprised expression. Then she smiles. "Okay," She says. I didn't ask her the question, but I definitely will in the kitchens. Yeah.......
(A/N) Sorry that this is a short chapter.

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