Chapter 9

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After class a few weeks later, Dumbledore makes up announcement. "Before everybody leaves for the Christmas holidays, Hogwarts will he having a Christmas ball for everyone in fifth year and above," He says. Excitement immediately through me. I'm always looking for an excuse to dress up. But then I realize something. The ball is December fourteenth, it's a full moon. My second full moon. The first one was so awful I can't even begin to imagine the second one. For just a second, I was so excited at the idea of dressing like a princess. Usually I couldn't go anyway, because of how sick I got during the full moon. Remus must see my face fall, because he grabs my hand. "I know Cas. I'm not going to lie, it's not always easy. I know being sick during the full moon was bad, but it's a lot harder being a wolf," He says. I bury my face in his neck, and he kisses my head. "I'm sorry," He says. "It's not your fault Rem. I have to go, I'll talk to you later," I say, and walk away.
I head towards the library, and head towards the back. I grab a random book off the shelf. "Werewolves: Foes or just plain gross?" Sighing, I walk up to the front where Madame Pince is sitting. "I don't think this book is appropriate for the library," I say, setting it on the desk. She looks at it and up at me. "Why wouldn't it be?" She asks, annoyed. "It calls werewolves 'foes' and 'gross'," I say. She sighs. "I'm not getting rid of this book because your opinion differs from the truth," She says. I glare at her and storm out of the library, and to the Room of Requirement. In the room is exactly what I needed. A large, comfy bed with a warm fireplace. I lay down on the bed and stare at the ceiling, which looks like the Milky Way. I pick out constellations, trying to distract myself from the approaching full moon. I hate missing out on things. First it was because I was sick for the entire week. Now I'm sick, and I turn into a wolf! I sigh and bury my head in the pillow. I begin to cry steadily. Why is my life like this? Why did my parents decide to have a kid? I turn around and stare up, seeing nothing.
I lay there for a long time, and my sadness has turned to numbness. I'm also stiff. Reluctantly, I get up and go to the Great Hall, where dinner is about to start. "Cassie!" Sirius exclaims. "Where were you?" James asks. "We haven't seen you all day!" Peter finishes. "Remus was worried sick," James says, making Remus blush. "I went to the library," I lie. "We checked there," Remus says. "Every inch of the library," Sirius says. "Don't lie to us Cas."
    Finally, I've had enough with people prying in my life. "It's none of your business where I went!" I snap. "I'm allowed to be alone!" The Marauders looks hurt. "We know you are. We were just worried," Remus asks, taking my hand. I pull it out of his grip. "Well don't be. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't handle myself!" I say, and storm out of the room. Gosh, can nobody understand me anymore?

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