Chapter 7

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    I spend the afternoon trying to calm Cassie. I don't tell her that it'll be okay, because she's smarter than that. That evening, Madam Pomfrey takes both Cassie and I to the Whomping Willow, saying that it'll be fine with us together.
    We go inside the Shrieking Shack, and Cas looks terribly sick. She curls up into a ball on the floor, whimpering. "You'll be okay," I tell her. Before she can reply however, she screams. The first time is the worst. I know from experience. I can feel the transformation myself.   Cassie is shrieking, screaming to make it stop. Eventually, we're both in wolf form, and Cassie lays down on the floor, whimpering. I go over and nudge her with my nose, and she raises her head to look at me. I just lay down beside her, and she rests her head on my back. Our friends come in, and I feel my inner wolf take over. I know Cassie is probably feeling it stronger. Using all that's left of my human reasoning, I launch myself in front of her so that she can't pounce at our friends. I can already tell that tonight is going to be a particularly bad full moon.
    I wake up in the morning to loud crying. I jump up and see Cassie lying on the ground holding her arm, which has a large cut. From the broken spot on the floor, I can tell it's not. "Remmy?" She asks. "Cas? Are you okay?" I ask. Slowly, she shakes her head. "I think I fell partway through a weak spot in the floor. My arm hurts," She says. The other boys are sleeping, so I help Cassie up and to the hospital wing.
    An hour later, Cassie's good to go, so we go to breakfast, where the marauders are waiting. We eat quickly, and then head to potions class. "Today we'll be starting polyjuice potion," Professor Slughorn says. While almost the entire class groans, I sit up, eager for the challenge.
    Remus and I measure out very carefully, making sure to follow the instructions precisely. Although still tired from the full moon, we still want top marks. While others seem to be struggling, Cassie and I work together, making a perfect team.
    A month later, December begins. Cassie loves Christmas, and not even the approaching full moon can dampen her spirits. She's been going around signing Christmas carols, and she has such a lovely voice.
    My parents have owled, saying that they want Cassie to come to our home over the holidays so that they can meet her. I ask her, and she owls her parents, who agree.
    Three days before break, Cassie is walking towards the common room. I run up behind her, grab her waist, and carry her into a secret sitting room behind a tapestry on the third floor.
    "Hello Cas," I say. "Hey Remus," She says questioningly. "Meet me at the stairs to the astronomy tower at seven. Wear something nice, or wear pajamas. You're beautiful no matter what." And with a wink and a kiss, I leave the room. It's all set up. I can't wait for tonight.

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