Chapter 17

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    The first day passes by very quickly, as Charlie got a few days off and tours the compound with me. I'm amazed at seeing all of the dragons. Charlie explains all the different types of dragons to me, even though I've never been terribly interested in dragons.
    We don't do much the second day. We just laze about and talk to each other. That night after dinner we're sitting on the couch playing wizard's chess. Halfway through the game, Charlie sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. I will admit that he is incredibly attractive. His long red hair, the scars and burns that cover his skin, not to mention the way his nose scrunches up and he messes up his hair when he's thinking.
    I'm so lost in thought that I don't notice Charlie staring back at me. When I finally do, I blush and look away. "It's your turn," Charlie tells me. Nodding, I turn to the chess board. I can already tell that this will not end well for me. He's gotten it set up so that he can win in four moves no matter what I do. I throw my hands into the air and move my queen.
Charlie smiles crookedly but makes no attempt to move the players on the chessboard. "You've already won, you git," I say with a laugh. He turns to look at me and he looks nervous. "What is it Charlie?" I ask him. His face tinges pink, but he doesn't look away from me. "I have a surprise for you," he tells me. I smile excitedly in reply. "But you have to close your eyes," Charlie finishes. I obey what he says and sit there.
I feel Charlie shift on the couch and I feel his warm breath on my face. He smells like mint and something strictly Charlie. I'm about to open my eyes, but I feel the pressure of his lips on mine. I gasp in surprise but kiss him back. Something inside me stirs and I can practically hear the butterflies in my stomach. I've snogged boys before but this is different.
I tangle my fingers in his hair and Charlie kisses me a bit harder, knowing I'm not going to push him away. I don't really know what I'm doing. Charlie is my best friend. I've always felt something different around him but I never acknowledged it. He said he loved a girl. Am I that girl?
I stop thinking as the butterflies in my stomach take over. Charlie swipes his tongue against my bottom lip and I let him in. He pulls me onto his lap so I'm straddling him, my fingers still tangled in his hair. After a moment, he pulls away from me, resting his forehead against mine.
"V, I'm sorry." Charlie takes a deep breath. "I know you're against relationships and stuff but you just looked so beautiful. I really need to shut up now." I shake my head in reply, not making a move to get off of him. Something in me has woken up and I don't want it to go back to sleep.
Instead of rejecting Charlie like he expects me to, I lean down and kiss him again. He doesn't even hesitate before his lips are moving against mine. I pull back a while later and close my eyes. When I open them again, Charlie is looking at me like I'm some precious jewel. "You've probably figured this out but V, I lo-like you," Charlie says, not saying that dreaded word yet.
"I like you too Charlie." Smiling, Charlie rests his forehead on my shoulder. "Be my girlfriend?" He asks me. I nod in response. "Charlie, you know what this means right?" I ask him. Nervously, he looks at me. "I will never be allowed to stay over with you again." Charlie laughs at me. "You're seventeen. You can do what you want."
Charlie yawns suddenly and I get up. He takes my hand and pulls me towards his bedroom. "Moving a little fast, aren't we?" I ask him. He just rolls his eyes and lies down on the bed. I join him, but I'm surprised when he wraps and arm around me and pulls me close so my head is resting on his chest.
"If you don't want to act like a couple you can just tell me and I won't be upset. I know how you feel about it." This assures my thought that Charlie truly cares about me. I make no action to move away from him. "So this is okay?" He asks me, playing with my hair. I hum in reply, immediately tired. Charlie chuckles and keeps playing with my hair. "Tomorrow we can go to the town," he tells me. I don't hear much more as I fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up on the most comfortable pillow I've ever felt. I blush however, as I realize that I'm using Charlie as a pillow. My boyfriend. He notices my open eyes and smiles. "Good morning," he tells me. "Morning," I mumble in reply, still not totally awake. "Your mum is going to kill me," He says. "Why?" I ask him. Charlie tightens his arm around me.
"Well I promised Cassidy that I wouldn't have her precious daughter in my bed with me," He laughs. "Did she include anything about snogging?" I ask him. Once again, he chuckles. "I don't guess she thought she needed to." I ruffle Charlie's already messy hair. "She was wrong."

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