Chapter 14

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Major time skip
The years have passed by so quickly. Our seventh year comes to an end. Voldemort is now high in power and I have never been more afraid. I still have Remus by my side however, and that it what matters.
After graduating, we find out that Dumbledore has made a secret society against Voldemort. It is called the Order of the Phoenix. The Marauders, Lily, and myself join immediately. The missions are dangerous, but we know that we are making a difference.
Remus and I live in a small apartment in Scotland. We can easily apperate to wherever we need to go, so why not? It's beautiful there.
One day, Remus and I go on a picnic. With the stress of the war, we finally have a day off. We go next to a river that's flowing calmly, and I stare at the sheer beauty. When I turn around, I find Remus on one knee.
"Cass, I love you. I've loved you since I smelled that rosemary in the love potion years ago. Every time I close my eyes, I see you. I fear for you daily. We've been through rough times, and I know we can get through the rest of them. Will you marry me?"
I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. I nod happily. "Yes!" I exclaim eagerly, throwing myself into his arms. He slips the ring onto my finger, and we kiss. "I love you too," I say quietly.
A few years later, Remus and I still haven't been married. We've decided to wait until after the war.
Something happens. I'm terribly sick. I'm throwing up and get nauseous a lot. Concerned, I go to Molly's.
"What's going on with me?" I ask her fearfully. Molly, who is holding her toddler, Bill, in her arms, smiles. "You're pregnant!" She squeals. I shake my head. "I'm not," I reply. Molly smirks, and gets a little box.
"This is a muggle pregnancy test. I have an extra. Take it," she tells me. After using it, I have to wait two minutes for the results. Molly and I sit in the living room silently. I may be pregnant? No way. Remus and I are both werewolves. What would our baby be?
Finally, Molly points at the clock. "It's been two minutes Cassie," she says. Shakily, I go into the bathroom and glance at the little stick. I don't know whether to be joyful or upset about the results.
I walk into the living room holding the stick. "Well?" Molly asks. I look up and answer her. "I'm pregnant."
Molly squeaks loudly. "You are? This is great!" She exclaims. I shake my head. "Molls, Remus and I are both werewolves. He never wanted children!" I say. Molly smiles. "It'll be fine," she says. "Go tell him!"
That night, Remus and I sit down to dinner. "I have something to tell you," I say to him nervously. He smiles at me reassuringly. "What is it?" He asks. I take a deep breath, wondering what his reaction will be.
"Rem, I'm pregnant." He is silent. On his face is not a smile, but not a frown. "You're pregnant?" He asks. I nod, nervous. "I'm not sure how to respond," Remus tells me, setting his fork down. "I mean, we're only nineteen Cass. We're also werewolves! Did you think about how that will affect the baby?" He asks. "Remus, I'm pretty sure this child is half yours. I didn't decide to get pregnant! It just happened!" I exclaim.
"I don't want to make a child a monster," Remus tells me. "You won't! It'll be perfect!" I exclaim. "You knew I never wanted children!" Remus says. I sigh. "I'm sorry."
Remus gets up from the table, grabs his coat, and heads for the door. "Where are you going?" I ask, tears filling my eyes. "I can't deal with this right now," he responds.
I wait for Remus to come back that night. He didn't. Nor the next day. In fact, he didn't come back at all after a week. By the second day, I was at Molly's, crying. "He's gone!" I exclaim. "He doesn't want me or the baby!" I cry. Molly pats my stomach. "It's okay Cass, let it out," she says.
When I go home that evening, Remus' things are gone, and all that's left is a note.
I can't raise a child that I made a monster. There's really no chance that it'll be normal. I love you, but I can't love these circumstances. We didn't even talk about this, I know. And I know it seems cruel. But you don't understand. You just became a werewolf a couple years ago. I was one as a child, and I hated my father because it was his fault. I couldn't have a child look into my eyes and blame me. I'm sorry.
I scream and slam the letter onto the coffee table. He's gone, that's it. There's nothing left except the slight smell of his cologne in the air. I fall to the ground and cry.
When Molly brings dinner around for me later that night, I'm curled up on the couch, not doing anything. "What happened?" Molly asks. I hand her the letter wordlessly. When she sees it, she sits beside me and says nothing. She just rubs my back while I sob.

"Then what?" My daughter asks. She's seventeen now, and I've been telling her the story of how her father and I met, and how she came to be. I've been leaving out his name of course. She knows him. She's met him.
"Then eight months later, Genevieve Ivy Dremins was born," I finish, glancing at Remus across the room. We're in the headquarters of the new Order of the Phoenix, which was established when Voldemort came back to power. Fourteen years ago, he'd killed Lily and James. Everyone had thought Sirius betrayed them, but it was really Peter Pettigrew.
"So who's my father?" My precious little V asks. By this point in the story, everyone in the Order had gathered around to listen. Almost all the adults knew. Molly just looked at me, seeing if I was going to answer. "It's not important," I say.
"It is important!" V exclaims. Everyone takes a step back. "He only made you, V. He isn't your dad and he doesn't want to be," I say, glancing at the man who used to love me.
My precious baby girl, who miraculously doesn't have any werewolf in her, has tears brimming in her eyes. "How does he know if he's never met me?" She whispers. I sigh and look into her brown eyes, which are identical to her father's.
"You've met him sweetheart," I say. She looks at me sadly. "Do you think he even still recognizes me as part of him?" I shrug. "I don't know baby girl. If he did though, I think he would've said something," I tell her. V lets a tear slip down her cheek.
"Can't you just tell me his name?" She asks. "Don't I deserve that?" She looks absolutely heartbroken. Her heart is pining for a father who never even wanted her. I swear I can see a tear in Remus's eye as he takes a step forward. I glare at him though, and he says nothing. "Not now in front of everyone. Later, I promise," I tell her.
Genevieve's POV
A minute later, I'm walking up to my room in the headquarters of the order. This is the first time I've heard the story of my parents. I knew there wasn't going to be a happy ending. Yet I still wanted to hear and know.
My sixth year of Hogwarts is starting soon, and with Voldemort back in power, everyone is afraid. But Hogwarts is safe. It's always been.

Hello lovelies! Big plot twist, I know. But don't worry! The story is far from over. Cassie end Remus' story is far from over! Things will be moving pretty quickly in the plot though. Just a warning.

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