Chapter 6

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Cassie looks at me, a look of shock on her face. "I'm sorry Cas. I didn't mean to...... It just slipped out," I say before running out of the closet and back to my dorm.
I avoid Cassie for days, taking every route to avoid her. She tries to talk to me in potions, but I insist we only work on the potion. "Remus, about the other night....." Cassie begins. "This potion is complicated, and we should focus," I say. "I could make this with my eyes closed," Cassie says. "I just want to make sure we-" she cuts me off. "I just wanted to tell you something. That's all!" Cassie says. "Well I already know you probably don't like me," I say. Then I'm taken by surprise.
Cassie grabs the front of my robes and pulls me towards her. Then she kisses me. The third time kissing Cassie is better. I think we were both missing each other. "Lupin! Dremins!" Professor Slughorn says. "Yes Professor?" Cassie asks. Snog on your own time," he says before turning back to the paperwork on his desk. Cassie and I both break out into silent laughter. "I love you too by the way," Cassie says, smiling. I literally feel my heart explode with happiness. She loves me back! "So Cassie. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I ask. She smiles. "Yes."
Life after that potions class is bliss. Cassie is my girlfriend. What could be better? The answer is nothing. Nothing could be better than hearing "I love you," Every day.
The next full moon is on a Friday. That will give me two days to recover. For an entire week before the full moon however, Cassie is sicker than I've ever seen her, and I've seen her during a couple bad months. She went into the hospital wing Sunday, and Madam Pomfrey refuses to let her out.
"Did she find out why you're so sick?" I ask Cassie Thursday afternoon. She nods slowly. "Remember how I said my dad was a werewolf? Apparently those genes are kicking in and Madam Pomfrey has no clue what's going happening, so I've got an appointment with St. Mungo's in the morning. Hopefully it won't be that bad," She says.
I wrap Cassie into my arms. "It'll be okay," I say. "I hope so," She replies. I sigh. "What I have to deal with now? I wouldn't wish this on my greatest enemy, let alone the one I love the most," I whisper into her ear. "I love you," She says randomly. "I love you more," I say. "No way," She responds.
I go to see Cassie the next morning before she leaves for her appointment. "Everything will be fine," I say, kissing her forehead. She nods. "I hope so."
Cassie had already told the other marauders what was going on the night before, so we cut class on Friday to wait for her. Around noon, we hear the portrait of the fat lady slam, and Cassie throws herself onto the nearest couch, curls herself into a ball, and starts sobbing. That isn't a good sign. My beautiful little angel sounds like her heart is breaking. I motion for my friends to leave the room, and when they do, I crouch down beside Cassie.
"Cas?" I ask. She lifts her head a little, and I wipe away the tears flowing down her face. "What's the verdict?" I ask. "Let's just say that there's about to be more than one werewolf at Hogwarts," Cassie says. "Oh Cas....." I trail off, not knowing what to say. Instead, I wrap her into my arms and whisper comforting words into her ear. What do you say to someone who's entire life was just ruined?

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