Surprise, Surprise

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 The bell sounded signaling the end of the day. Thank God it’s the weekend.

Jen and I ambled along to our lockers which were right next to each other, convenient since we tended to ride home together since Toby usually had practice. But today was Friday, which meant cheerleading practice.

I opened my locker and stuffed my books inside replacing them for the things I’d need for cheerleading practice. I turned my face to Jen to see she was doing the same. “Did you get the stuff I asked for?”

She nodded, grinning widely she held up some syrup, multicolored feathers and some confetti. “Check.”

I laughed. “Brilliant, I have everything else.” I linked my arm through hers and we began skipping down the corridor. “We’re off to see the cheer whores, wherever the cheer whores may be, because because because because BECAUSE... it’s wonderful to see their legs closed for once!” I sang loudly as Jen giggled uncontrollably beside me. The school was devoid of life since everyone had gone home apart from the teachers so I wasn’t afraid to continue my rendition on ‘We’re off to see the Wizard.

When we rounded the corner to the outside training field I pulled Jen behind the cover of a building. I dumped my backpack on the floor and pulled out the handheld blow horn. “You know the plan?” I asked her.

She nodded. “Coach Tilsby is busy in her office with Mr Waite, they’ll be another fifteen minutes at the least. Twenty tops.” I nodded pursing my lips.

“That should give us enough time to prank those bitches and get the hell outta here.”

I straightened up, grasping the blow horn tightly. Jen’s eyes widened before she quickly clamped her hands over her ears. I winced slightly and blew the horn. The loud booming sound rang out for about 3 seconds. I could see Jen wincing but I was too busy trying not to howl as the cheerleaders screamed, making their perfect pyramid begin to sway uncontrollably. I motioned for Jen to completed phase two. She sprinted from behind the building and towards the unsteady pyramid of blonde bitches. She danced around them throwing the confetti in the air laughing her head off. I snickered to myself as I sneaked up behind them to the large safety mat. Smirking, I quickly began to spread the syrup until it completely covered the mat. The whole time I heard Marcy, the captain, screaming profanities at Jen from her perch at the top of the pyramid.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing? You big freak!” she screeched. Jen just laughed at her in response.

“I’ll have you for this; you’ll never be able to show your face a-AHHHH!” The precariously balanced pyramid finally broke and began to topple. Marcy came flying towards me where I stood by the mat, a look of pure shock on her face. She landed with a thud on the syrup-covered mat, screaming through her whole descent. The other cheerleaders all piled on top of her. Screaming like banshee’s they all slipped and writhed in the syrup as they tried to stand up. Marcy was the first to her feet, her prissy little red and white cheerleading outfit stained golden, her hair matted to her face all sticky and her make-up smudged.

“HARVEY! I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS!” She growled. I laughed in her face before pulling something from behind my back. I saw her eyes widen in fear.

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