The Interview

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Dedicated to my 34th fan!!!


The next morning I rolled over, my hands grasping thin air and sheets searching for Lucas. When I continued to come up empty I cracked my eyes open. Lucas was nowhere to be found. Rubbing my bleary eyes I padded out of my bedroom and downstairs where I could hear noises. I came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs when Sue popped up giving me a fright.

“Morning Lazy Bones, hurry up. Go into the lounge and turn the TV onto channel four, we’re going to watch Lucas’ interview. We’ll make you breakfast.” She smiled at my still disorientated state and gave me a little shove towards the lounge.

I settled on the floor and sue and John came in, settling on the couch behind me. Sue handed me a bowl of cereal as she sipped her tea. I shoved the crunchy goodness into my mouth like a ravenous hobo, I probably looked like one too in crumpled pyjamas and bed head.

I clicked on the TV and watched it flicker to life. There was a female presenter lounging on a couch. Lucas was looking relaxed on the plushy white leatherloveseat opposite her. He looked easy and comfortable; a polite smile on his face. The presenter turned her face to the camera as it zoomed in.

“Hello and good morning, my name is Claire Smith and you are watching Celeb Goss with our guest star, teen acting sensation, heart-throb and the guy all women wish were their man - Lucas Wolfe!”

The camera cut to Lucas and he gave a warm smile and a little wave. The presenter – I forgot her name – laughed and repositioned herself on the couch. “So Lucas, as we all know, you are currently dating Marley James. So tell us, how are things going between you two?” She gave him a little wink.

Lucas looked extremely uncomfortable. “Well, she’s an amazing actress. Very dedicated to her work – like me.

The presenter leaned forward conspiratorially as if she and Lucas were sharing a secret. Lucas just kept an ever present smile on his face. Only I could detect the slight tightness at the creases of his eyes that meant he was bracing himself to dodge another uncomfortable question in expert style.

"So things are still going strong?" She pressed.

Lucas looked nervous and cleared his throat. "Like I said. She a great girl, but I just want a normal relationship. It's hard to keep this private when we're both actors." I noticed the slight emphasis he put on the word private and felt proud of him for standing up for himself.

The presenter looked disheartened about missing out on some hot hollywood gossip and grudgingly moved on to the next question. “So, Lucas, about this mystery friend of yours, who is she?” Noticing the pitying look in Lucas’ eyes she rephrased the question. “Or if you can’t tell us that, could you at least tell all of your adoring fans what she’s like?” She almost pleaded.

Poor pathetic woman.

Lucas gave a small smile and leaned back into the sofa, resting his ankle on his knee. I held my breath, questions about me always made me nervous. But I trusted Lucas not to give my identity away.

“Well, Claire, to sum it all up – she’s amazing.” He looked up slightly, a glazed look coming across his eyes as he smiled, probably reminiscing about old times. “She's stubborn and argumentative but she has a good heart. She's the most caring and loyal person I know." He shook his head amused. "We met when I was four, I was sitting under a tree in the park when an acorn hit me on the head. Looking into the tree I saw a cute little girl with blonde pigtails sitting on a branch, glaring at me.” He paused and laughed to himself and even though I was on the opposite side of the television screen, I found myself laughing along with him.

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora