Say hello to my little friend

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Dedicated to my 18th fan!!!


I finally managed to rip my back away from the door. I couldn’t avoid Luke forever; he was staying over tonight so I had to face him sometime.

Feeling slightly nervous I ascended the stairs. With each step closer I took to Luke the more the butterflies in my stomach seemed to flutter. What if he did like me? How would I feel about that? No, I’d just broken up with Toby it was too soon. Besides he was my best friend, we couldn’t date. What if the relationship ended badly, it could ruin our friendship and I couldn’t lose him. I needed Luke in my life no matter what. But... If he did like me and I turned him down, the sting of rejection could make him hate me too. Oh God, what am I going to do?

An image of me and Luke when we were twelve flashed in my mind. We were sitting on the bluff that lead to the beach behind his house. I was sat between his legs, my back pressed firmly against his chest. We were watching the sunset. I looked up to find him looking down at me then it happened. Our first kiss. I’d pulled away once I understood hat we’d done and had ran away from him crying, terrified that it would ruin our friendship. Lucas had chased after me pulling me into a hug saying that it was ok, it wouldn’t change anything. He said he was sorry for taking my first kiss but he didn’t want his to be with some girl he didn’t trust, and I was the only girl he trusted. I’d told him I’d felt the same and we never spoke of it again.

The truth is, that first kiss had scared me. It was our one and only and I’d enjoyed it too much. Every time Luke and I had come close to feeling lustful again; I’d always pulled away and stopped it. I knew Lucas didn’t see me that way and I needed to stop us from both doing something we’d regret. Me, from having my heart broken and Lucas from hurting me by rejecting me. Lucas hated turning people down and he hated seeing me upset and hurt even more. I couldn’t put him in that situation.

I was stood in front of my bedroom door now. Somehow knowing Luke was waiting for me on the other side of that door made me snap out of my internal babbling and come back to reality. Damn, Jen had gotten to me! But it doesn’t matter. This was Luke, my best friend. We loved each other more than anything in the world. Neither of us would risk what we had for a silly relationship. Besides, I didn’t like him that way.

Nodding to myself affirmatively I pushed open my bedroom door and froze. Lucas stood in the middle of my room, his bare back to me so that I had a nice view of his fine rear in his black Calvin Klein’s. He hadn’t noticed me walking in as he was folding his clothes into a neat pile. The way his muscles rippled when he moved was just mouth watering. What! I don’t like him that way; a girl can just appreciate his sexy body that’s all.

Lucas placed his folded clothes in his designated draw at my dresser. He did a double take when he saw me staring at him like he was an antelope grazing in front of a ravenous lion. God I could just lick those abs right off. I bet they’d go well with whipped cream...

“Oh, Ambs. I didn’t see you there.”

I dragged my eyes away from his scrumptious body to look at his equally handsome face. He was giving me a mischievous smile. “Eye raping your best friend Bambi?” He sniggered.

That seemed to wake me up from my daze. What was I doing? This was Lucas for Christ’s sake! I gave him my man-eater smile. “It’s only rape if you don’t want it.” I stated huskily.

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