Sue Wolfe, A Force of Nature

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Dedicated to my 19th fan!!!


I woke up the next morning to find myself sprawled all over Lucas’ body. My eyes widened in shock at our intertwined bodies. My head was resting on Lucas’ bare, deliciously muscled chest. I had one arm draped over him, the other fanned out behind my back. My left leg was resting against his slightly aroused bulge in his boxers where it was clamped down by Luke’s left leg which was wound around it. My other leg lay next to Lucas’ right leg. He had one arm slung around my waist which I was currently crushing; the other was stretched out behind him. His face was turned towards mine, his chin resting on my head as he snored delicately.

I chuckled at our precarious position and the way Lucas’ mouth was hanging open. He looked so peaceful with his disheveled hair, making him look adorably cute. But for the love of god he better not have drooled in my hair or I’m kicking his ass to Timbuktu.

Lucas must have felt me shake with laughter because his snoring abruptly cut off and his grip on me tightened, bringing his other arm around my waist. “Huh?” He mumbled groggily before yawning widely and snuggling closer to me.

I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. Luke looked at me like I was crazy before his gaze fell on our bodies. “Well, this is a new.” He mused. I could hear amusement in his voice.

“No shit Sherlock.” I giggled. He joined in my laughter and we were cracking up for a good five minutes before we composed ourselves.

“So what do you want to do today Bambi?” Lucas asked. I looked up so I could see his face. I continued to trace imaginary circles on the hard planes of his abs. I tried to think over the possibilities of keeping ourselves amused and then it hit me.

“Well, I could ask Pierre to make us breakfast and we could watch a movie, then come back up here get dressed and go see your parents.” I suggested.

Lucas mulled it over a minute before nodding. “Ok, that sounds good. I need more clothes anyway.” I gasped and smacked his chest playfully.

“Lucas Xander Wolfe, your parents were not put on this earth solely to do your washing.” I chastised with mock outrage. He laughed.

“Yeah, mom’s an ok cook too.” I had to laugh at that one.

I untangled myself from Lucas and started for the kitchen. When I noticed he hadn’t made a move to follow me I turned around to see him still lounging on my bed. He had his arms crossed behind his head, a seductive smirk on his face. The way the duvet was draped over his hips made it look like he was completely naked under those sheets, but I knew better. I gulped at how sexy he looked. “You coming?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

His smirk grew wider. “Have I ever told you how incredibly sexy you look in my clothes? I could just take you right here.” I swear my jaw hit the floor with an audible clang.

He busted up laughing at me, no doubt hilarious expression. He got out of the bed and came over to me snapping my jaw shut with his index finger. “Now, now Bambi. Don’t get drool on the carpet.”

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz