Friends with benefits?

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Dedicated to my 21st fan!!!



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Precisely 3hrs 45mins and 28secs later we were finally able to leave Lucas’ house. I still hid under the cover of the blanket though, since the paparazzi were still there. I swear those people don’t sleep, maybe they’re like alien zombies or something. Oh like camels; except they don’t survive by storing water but sleep. Anyway, I know what you may be thinking, since Luke and I have been friends since we were four; why am I so reluctant to be papped with him? It’s actually quite simple really. The world doesn’t know about us. It’s not that he’s ashamed to be my best friend or anything but I just didn’t want the publicity, it was bad enough people trying to get close to me for my parents – little did they know they were more like strangers to me too – without being labelled one of Hollywood’s hottest heartthrob’s best friend.

Lucas had to take a lot of back streets and sharp turns to lose a few more media who were becoming borderline stalkers so the journey back to my place took a lot longer. The ride was also silent since I was hunched up under the blanket for precaution, but also Lucas had been acting a little strange every since his mom accused us of dating.

After that, Sue and John had laughed at talked to us merrily like they had for fourteen years. I joined in, chatting animatedly with them but Lucas was very brisk with his answers. He only gave one word answers, or if the conversation required it his sentences were short and abrupt. John kept shooting him worried glances as did I but Sue seemed to look almost knowing. I’d meant to ask her if she knew what was up with him before we left but I didn’t get the chance. As soon as the crowd outside was thin enough to drive through Lucas had grabbed my arm and hauled me straight to the garage. I practically had to shout my farewell’s to his parents.

Finally the coast seemed to be clear as Luke couldn’t see anyone else following us. He continued taking the long route to my house just in case though. When we parked in my garage Lucas simply took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. Stunned, I fumbled with the passenger door before stumbling out of the car to follow him. Seriously, what was his problem?

I had no problem with confrontation so Lucas was so going to get his ass whipped for giving me the cold shoulder. The dark, empty look of the house outside told me no one was home so I was free to scream and yell at him all I wanted.

Stomping through the kitchen I followed the sound of laughing to the lounge where Lucas was sat watching TV. All rational thought flew out of my head as my vision became tinged with red. Oh he was so going to get it. I snatched the remote from the arm of the chair by Lucas and flipped the TV off. Lucas gave me a staggering look which I matched with a death glare letting him know I meant business.

I reached out and swatted him across the head, making sure to hit the sore spot Sue had created. “Ow!”He complained.

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Where stories live. Discover now