Never forget me

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Dedicated to my 23rd fan!!!



He exhaled in relief when I was done. “God, Bambi. You’re amazing.” He whispered in awe I giggled snuggling up to his side. I wrapped his arm around so he was spooning me from behind.

“I know. And you really are a beast.” I breathed suggestively before closing my eyes and falling into a very erotic dream.


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{{{ I arched my back higher allowing him to thrust deeper within me. Intense pleasure blossomed from my core spreading throughout my body until it found a release in the form of a loud, desperate moan. Every time I screamed out Lucas' name I was reminded of a lonely wolf, howling mournfully for a mate.

My fingers bit into the flesh on Lucas' rippling back and he groaned appreciatively in return. I began thrusting forward in sync with Lucas, unable to get enough of him. We were both panting heavily from the exertion Lucas kept brushing my hair back from my face lovingly, an adoring expression slapped on his face as he peppered me with kisses from my forehead to my navel.

I stared into his beautiful eyes and I could see nothing but love in their ocean blue depths. My chest swelled and I knew I'd been denying my feelings for Lucas all this time, I don’t know when it happened but somewhere along the line I fell for him. I was in love with my best friend. And right now, in this perfect moment I didn’t care who he was or how his fame could evidently tear us apart, all that mattered was the two of us here in this second. My Lucas, my best friend, my world, my everything, my love, was giving me the best gift in the world - him. I finally saw the distinction between 'having sex' and 'making love' as this was love in it's purest form.

I bit my lip in an attempt to swallow the scream of pleasure that was ripping its way out of my throat. Lucas looked at me and knocked his forehead against mine as we came together. "I love you Bambi." He whispered. "I love you more than anything, never forget that."

I nodded and kissed him passionately on the mouth, my fingers knotting in his hair. "Never." I promised. He stroked my hip as he kissed me back forcefully as he began making love to me again.}}}

This was pure heaven. This was-

A Dream.

I sat forward, panting heavily. I scanned the pitch black expanse of my room searching for any sign that someone had seen how worked up I was over that dream. A light snore to my left informed me Lucas was still asleep. Shaking slightly I tried to steady my ragged breathing. Sweat was rolling down my back making cold liquid trails down my boiling hot skin.

When I finally calmed down I looked over at Lucas' sleeping form. He lay on his side, his back facing me. Unconsciously I reached out and ran a hand down his toned arm. From the dim moonlight leaking through the curtains I could just glimpse a twinkle of metal around his neck. Intrigued, I leaned in closer to get a better look.

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Where stories live. Discover now