Hello, Mommy Dearest.

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Dedicated to my 50th fan!!!


I tried to roll over but I hit something hard with a deafening slap, opening my eyes I saw the most beautiful man sleeping peacefully behind me. I smiled and twisted in his strong, muscular arms so that I was facing him. His chiseled face looked so radiant and peaceful, his mouth hung open slightly and he was breathing heavily. At least he wasn’t a drooler. His blonde hair was disheveled from where I’d run my hands in it last night, I had the urge to repeat the gesture so I buried my fingers in the soft tresses, careful not to wake him.

He groaned sleepily and nuzzled into my bra-clad chest. I giggled and stroked his locks softly. His hand tightened on my waist as he began tracing butterfly kisses on the curve of my breasts. Sighing in content I silently wished we could stay like this forever. Lucas hugged me tighter and I felt a stirring down south. I rolled my eyes playfully.

“Again? Seriously Luke, you tired me out last night.” I felt him smirk against my skin.

“Little Lucas wants to come out to play.” He reasoned. I laughed and pushed him away. He growled playfully and rolled me onto my back, pinning me to the bed. I shook my head at him and pecked him on the lips lightly. He smirked but his hold on my wrists never wavered.

“Are you just going to hold me captive?” I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes at him.

“Sounds like a plan. Keep you locked up in here as my little sex slave.”

Using all of my strength I pushed him on his back so I was now the one sitting on him. “Oh yeah?” I smirked. “Maybe I can convince you to change your mind.” I began trailing kisses up his abdomen, to his chest and eventually his mouth. I kissed him fiercely until we were both gasping for breath. His hand reached out to pull me in for another kiss but I smiled mischievously and hopped off the bed. He glared at me as I pulled on my panties.

I glanced at him in all of his naked glory lounging on the bed. “Well are you joining me or do I have to shower alone?” I inquired suggestively.

I didn’t have to ask twice. He scrambled off the bed and threw me over his shoulder before sprinting to the bathroom.

Body clean and thoroughly abused I stepped out of the shower wrapping myself in a fleecy peppermint green towel and left Lucas to rinse the shampoo from his hair.

I pawed through his draws and pulled out his ratty old sweater that read Tinsletown School of Performing Arts in bold letters, it was a little big and hung off one shoulder. I found an old pair of denim shorts of mine that still fit in the bottom of his closet and pulled them on too.

Scraping my hair into a high messy ponytail I headed downstairs for a glass of juice. Sipping the tangy goodness I decided to join Sue and John in the lounge since I could hear voices coming from that direction. When I rounded the corner I nearly spat my drink out everywhere. My mother was perched on the same couch where Sue held up the incriminating evidence yesterday.

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Where stories live. Discover now