What Now?

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Dedicated to my 48th fan!!!


Words cannot describe the sheer mortification I was feeling. His parents knew. They knew we’d had sex and even worse they knew it was my first time! I was paralyzed by the sheet Sue held before us, waving it around like a freakin’ flag.

I don’t know how long all of us stayed frozen in time. It felt like hours of painstaking silence. My mouth kept opening and closing with unknown thoughts dying to be expressed but no sound emerged.

Lucas was beside me and just as rigid, his arm was clamped painfully around my waist as he stared open-mouthed at his mother. John’s nose was wrinkled distastefully as he wrung his hands. Sue was the most annoying though; she didn’t even flinch at how awkward the moment was!

Lucas finally seemed to thaw slightly as he cleared his throat uncomfortably. John sighed. “I’m just glad you two kids at least waited until we were out of the house until you did the dirty.” I cringed internally at that statement. Lucas rubbed my back affectionately.

“At least!” Sue scoffed. “I’m just glad my boy asked her out before he seduced the poor girl into bed! I raised him better than that.” She scowled at him.

I felt myself relax slightly. “Y-you’re not mad?” I squeaked. John shook his head and stood up.

“I’m going to go make some coffee. Who wants some?” He stared at us all expectantly but no one made a sound. “Five cups it is.” He muttered dryly. I blushed slightly as he walked passed us to the kitchen.

I diverted my gaze to the floor and took a deep steadying breath. When I looked up my eyes locked with Sue’s. I froze, scared about what she was going to say but she just held my gaze…staring. It was rather creepy if you ask me.

I squirmed uncomfortably under her piercing look, averting my eyes in submission. I saw her head snap to Lucas in my peripheral vision, she pointed an accusing finger at him. “You. Sit.” She commanded.

Looks looked at me apologetically and scurried to the nearest armchair, not wanting to anger his mother further. I glared at him for leaving me to face her wrath by myself.

Sue looked over me suspiciously before standing up and walking towards me. I felt a nervous fluttering in my stomach. I hope she doesn’t slap me, oh god, I don’t know what I’d do if she tells me I can’t see Lucas again. I couldn’t lose him, or his parents. I loved the Wolfe’s; they were my second family.

She stopped just shy of me and I flinched at her intense gaze. She followed my desperate look to where Lucas sat on the armchair. She scowled and stood in front of him so I couldn’t see him. My heart sank. She hates me.

I looked to the floor, tears pooling behind my eyelids. Sue hated me, she’d been like a mother to me, more so than the one that c=gave birth to me. I was loosing the only real family I had and worst of all I was losing the love of my life. Lucas. And I did love him. I knew that now.

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora