Chunky Money with a drizzle of Doubt

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I know it's been way too long, and it's only short but hopefully it's the start of many more to come ;D


After the little paparazzi fiasco Lucas felt it better we split up into smaller groups and head back to the Broadwalk in an attempt to ditch the probing crowds. We soon found a quaint little ice cream parlour that seemed pretty secluded so we snuck in.

I told Lucas my order and he motioned for me to grab us a table. I spotted Madison in the corner of the store and sauntered over to her, sliding into a seat. I watched as she eat before deciding it was best to apologise again for ruining the evening.

 “I’m so sorry Mads.”

Madison rolled her eyes in exasperation for the gazillionth time, sliding a spoonful of ice cream into her glossy mouth. I opened my mouth to start another string of apologies when a black Gucci handbag was slammed on the circular table between us. I looked up at a scowling Ruby.

“Will you stop apologizing for Christ’s sake? It’s not your fault, the papz are brutal. They ruin lives!” Ruby roared.

“Ruby quit scaring her.” Madison snapped back.

“I’m helping her. She wants to date a celebrity she’s going to have learn the fall backs.”

Ruby’s comment threw me. Before today I would have defended Lucas, and myself arguing that with him there were no drawbacks, and having a romantic relationship with someone as amazing as him was the best thing in the world. And I wanted to say this with every fiber of my being. But I couldn’t.

That realization struck me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t pretend like I was okay with what happened back there. That reporter’s constant string of intrusive questions had completely thrown me. I cringed at the horrific headlines that were floating around my head.



The list was endless. Before I could fret too much about the situation I felt a comforting arm slip around my shoulder. I gave Lucas a half-hearted smile and shoveled a spoonful of Chunky Monkey in my mouth to avoid talking. Lucas gave me a knowing look. I felt his hand slip down to the small of my back where he began tracing soothing circles.

I wave of nostalgia crashed over me that almost brought me to tears. I dropped my spoon and flung my arms around Lucas desperately. He hugged me back tightly, neither of us needing to express our understanding through words. Tears clouded my vision and I screwed my eyes shut to avoid them escaping. This is why I was putting myself through all this trauma, I can’t believe I ever had a shimmer of doubt. Lucas was worth it.

I felt Maddison give me a reassuring pat on the back but for some undetectable reason, I looked to Ruby for approval. She sat rigid in her seat staring intently at Lucas and me. Her gaze made me feel slightly uncomfortable so I pulled back.

Lucas gave me a quizzical look and I nodded to assure him I was fine. But deep down inside there was an uneasiness in the pit of my stomach that I couldn’t shake. One that arose when Ruby mentioned fallbacks.

After the ice creams had been fully demolished our fractured group of teen idols decided it best we head back to where we’d parked our cars and head home. I wasn’t going to be the one to complain, in fact I’d be the first to admit it had been one heck of a long day.

Madison gave me a hug goodbye and promised she’d stop by my parents sometime and that we should hang out more. I agreed and waved goodbye as she walked to a conspicuous black jeep waiting idly by the sidewalk.

Ruby came to stand in front of me. I waited for her to say something first but she looked behind me, clearly waiting for something. I felt Lucas move away from me.

“I’ll wait in the car.”

I turned and nodded to him before focusing my attention back on Ruby.

“Look kid, I’m about the only one whose gonna tell it to you straight. It ain’t gonna be easy. You’ve picked a hard life. I just hope it was worth it.”

I felt a flare of anger go off in me. “He is.” I stated vehemently.

A flash of something suspiciously like pity crossed her face but it was gone in an instant. “God I hope so, for your sake.”

With that she turned on her heels and started walking away without another word. I stared after her briefly before turning in the direction of the car where Lucas was waiting to take me home and face my parents. I’d barely taken two steps towards the vehicle when I was called back.

“If you ever need someone real in a world of manufactured fake, here’s my number.”

Then she was gone.

I stared dumbly at the scrawled sharpie on my arm. A loud tooting of a horn shook me out of my stupor and I hurriedly clambered into the front of Lucas’ car slamming the door shakily behind me.

“You okay?” He asked, concern dripping from his words.

“I will be when I get a chance to digest all of this.” I admitted truthfully.

Lucas smiled and put the car into drive.

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