Dicks are for castrating

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Dedicated to my 15th fan!!!


“How touching.”

I gasped. What the hell was he doing here? I leaned away from Lucas pulling out of his hold. He gave me a confused look and it pained me to see the hurt in his eyes. I gave his hand a small reassuring squeeze before standing up and walking over to the intruder, who was still leaning casually against the doorframe. His eyes shot daggers at the back of Lucas’ head when he wasn’t glaring at me. I opened my mouth about to explain when he held a hand up stopping me.

“Oh, don’t worry. I get it.”

My brow furrowed. “You do?” I asked a bit confused.

“Yeah. You’re doing this to get back at me.” He spat harshly. I did a double take.

“What? No, Toby! Why would I want to get back at you?” I blurted almost hysterical.

He chuckled humorlessly. It was kind of creepy. “Don’t play fucking dumb Amber.” He growled.

I blinked in astonishment. What the hell was wrong with him? I heard Lucas shift to stand up behind me and I made a motion for him to stay where he was. I could just picture him clenching his jaw stubbornly. The rustling stopped so he must have remained seated. Toby shrugged off the wall and came to stand over me. At 6’4 he towered over my small frame, it was really intimidating considering the crazed look on his face. He took a step closer and I shivered. I didn’t get the same lustful feelings I usually got when I was this close to him. Instead it chilled me to the bone, I felt like I would puke if he came any closer.

“Very funny, Amber. Let me guess, this is just a little game of ‘You cheated on me so now I’m cheating on you’?”

I felt my eyes go wide; they were probably as big as saucers now. “No! I’d never chea- Wait... what did you say?” I backtracked from trying to defend myself, feeling tears prickle my eyes.

Toby grabbed my arm. I bit my lip so that I didn’t cry out in pain, but damn it hurt! Was this guy on steroids or something? It felt like I was being grabbed by the Hulk on heroin.

“Toby you’re hurting me.” I whispered, trying to keep the fear that was slowly rising within me from leaking into my voice. He didn’t seem to hear, or maybe he just didn’t take any notice of my pathetic plea.

“Stop it Amber! Just stop it!” He yelled. There was so much venom behind it that little drops of spit actually flew from his mouth, splattering on my cheek. Ew.

Suddenly I was wretched out of Toby’s grip and shoved behind someone’s back. I looked up timidly to see Lucas glaring at Toby, his posture stiff and protective. He looked ready for a fight. I pulled back his arm which rippled as his muscles tensed. He was shielding me from view with his body.

Toby growled at him. His face suddenly went blank and then... He barked out a laugh. It rang out through the entire house; great big peels of menacing laughter. The sound of it chilled me to the bone. Has he gone crazy?

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Where stories live. Discover now