Broadwalk Fame

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Dedicated to my 51st fan!!!


I rung my hands nervously in my lap as I practically gnawed off my bottom lips. Slender fingers brush over my own stopping my frantic fidgeting. I flashed Lucas a smile of thanks before glancing out of the tinted windows nervously once more. He chuckled beside me and took my hand in his.

“It’s going to be fine Bambi, don’t worry about it.”

“But what if they don’t like me? What if I screw up? What if the paparazzi follow us?” Questions kept spewing from my lips and Lucas rolled his eyes at me affectionately.

“What if I drop down dead tomorrow? We can live our lives on assumptions. Now come on, they’ll love you.”

I took a deep breath and nodded running my hands down the turquoise playsuit my mother hand picked for me for ‘publicity.’ Lucas had arranged for us to tag along with a large group of his friends today. The plan was to hang around Venice beach, shopping, swimming, and just generally hanging out. It was all part of my mother’s strategy to integrate me into the Hollywood starlet lifestyle. I was anxious for two reasons. One, even though I’d hung out with Lucas and his friends a couple of times and they seemed cool, it had never been on such a large scale and with the sole intention to merge me into the group using them for positive publicity, I felt like I was using them and I didn’t want them to think that badly of me, plus I was generally worried about how they’d react to the situation. Two, part of this outing came with the intention that, eventually, someone would tip off the paparazzi causing them all to flock to the large celebrity group and snap photos of us together, resulting in my raised status and giving the impression I was already close with the majority of Lucas’ celebrity peers. The whole thing was a scam to make me seem nice and friendly, while also seemingly innocent as I hung out with old friends.

Bursts of giggling and guys being rowdy could now be heard from outside the metal of the car. Taking a deep breath I exited the car as Lucas did the same. Instantly I felt myself tense up with nervous as my gaze flitted to the group of twenty or so teenage celebrities. Lucas put on his winning smile and walked up to the group shaking some of the guy’s hands and slapping their backs. I hung back slightly, ringing my hands nervously again. I was startled by a scream and someone shoved through the crowd heading towards me. I smiled sheepishly as a stunning blonde bounded towards me, embracing me in a tight hug.

“Oh my god, Amber it’s been too long.”

I chuckled slightly and patted her on the back. “Hey Madison, nice to see you.”

She stood back, holding me at arms length. Her eyes appraised me, making me slightly uncomfortable. But her large, perfectly pearly white smile reassured me.

“Don’t worry, we’ll all look after you. I’m so sorry about everything that’s gone down with Marley; you don’t deserve any of this. But when Luke rang us up and asked us if we’d like to be the ones to help you break into the limelight, well I couldn’t say no!”

I smiled at her gratefully. “Thank you so much for doing this Mads, I can’t express how much it means to me. I just feel bad that I’m having to use your status for publicity.”

Famous Attraction (On Hold/Rewriting Soon)Where stories live. Discover now