They Know

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It was quiet on the tour bus, (they didn't care for hotels so they slept in there.) Jeremy sat in his bunk with the blind pulled shut so no one could see him. He's been up all night, he couldn't  sleep. His mind rushed with painful thoughts that always hid in the back of his head. He bounced back the thought of being non-existent . 

To distant him from thoughts he went on his phone. The brightness from his phone exploded through the cracks of his curtain. Josh was in the bunk across from his, the light shined on his face, causing him to wake up. He groaned, soon getting up to only rip back Jeremy's curtain.

"Hey, do you mind?" Josh said with a groggy voice. Jeremy looked over, obvious  sadness is his eyes. Josh had been catching on about how depressed Jeremy has been. Josh gave an apologetic look, he climbed into Jeremy's bunk, invading his best friends privacy. "I'm sorry." Josh cooed.  Jeremy shot a confused look.

"I'm not stupid Jeremy, I can see in your eyes that you're not happy." Josh said sternly. "I don't know what you are talking about Josh, nothings wrong." He looked back down to his phone. Josh grabbed the older man's (by one year) phone. "Listen, I'm here, hell we are all here for you. Don't EVER think we arent." Josh said with a choke in his throat. 

Jeremy nodded, reaching for his phone that was still in Josh's hand. Jeremy knew Josh wouldn't forget about it not matter how many times he would tell him. 

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