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     Soon enough it was morning, Josh was awaken to the noise of the others 'Awing' at Jeremy and himself. Josh groaned, getting up he smack the guy's arms in response. Alex and Neil giggled to only be shushed by Kevin and Josh. Jeremy tossed and turned finally deciding that his side was most comfortable. 

    It was 8 A.M, Jeremy was finally starting to wake up. His body ached, his face sore from being rubbed raw. He sat up, no one looked over. 'Of course' he thought. As invisible as he thought he was, he walked out of his room, pulling along everything he was hooked up to with him. He walked up to the nurse's station. 

   "Excuse me." He words quite and fragile, intertwined with the breeze that blew in from a nearby window.  One of the nurses that looked up with a name tag that said 'Pam', looked up.

    " Yes, May I help you?" she asked. "Yeah, umm, I'm ready to be discharged. My name is Jeremy Mckinnon." she responded with a grunt. "Do you have anyone to take you home sir?" a question that went through one ear and out the other. 

   "Y-Yeah my band is in my room." In response she gave a slight nod. She picked up the phone and started chatting, what was nonsense to Jeremy. Every once in awhile he would hear "Mr. Mckinnon wants to leave." After a couple of sassy toned 'Uh-Huhs', the nurse looked at Jeremy, hanging up the phone. 

   " You'll leave today, get dressed and I'll get your paper work done." Jeremy rushed as fast as he could to his room. He yanked open the small closet door where he kept his clothes and shoes. He grabbed his clothing and shoes, for addition help he snagged Josh along the way. Josh didn't have time to respond to the swift movements of Jeremy. 

   " Undo my gown. I get to leave today." He said in a flat tone. In response Josh cracked a classic joke, "Shouldn't I have taken you at least to dinner first?" Josh laughed. Jeremy blushed, " Hardy har har." After Josh has undone Jeremy's hospital gown, Jeremy put each piece of clothing with a little more struggle each time, causing sharp pains. Josh watched Jeremy get dressed from his most vulnerable, to now were he was himself again. 

  Jeremy opened the door, revealing his new self. He seemed golden now, like he was his same old invincible self. Smiles stretched across their faces, Jeremy was back baby.  

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