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Jeremy and Alex talked, Jeremy sunk down in his seat, which were these white lawn chairs they were given. A wave of sadness overcame his body. He tried to hide it, he had to hide it from the other. Alex frowned, seeing Jeremy's state of mind is some where else. "Jeremy.." The younger lad spoke. Jeremy snapped out of his trace looking over at him. He gave a look showing that Alex had grasped his attention. 

"Are you okay? You seem... to not be here." Alex said. " I'm fine, don't worry about it." He replied in a emotionless voice. Alex looked away, sighing. 'Close one', Jeremy thought, ' I have to hide these hideous feels...Hide myself.' The other lads came from behind the stage giving off smiles. Jeremy forced a smile.

"I can't believe the concerts tomorrow!" Kevin exclaimed. As it went silent, the only noise they heard was an 'uh oh' that had escaped Josh's lips. Dark storm clouds gathered in, making giant clusters. " Maybe there won't be any concert." Josh continued. One of the roadies came up to the small group. " Hey we are going to take down your guy's instruments, looks like it's going to storm." The older man said with a deep voice, soon pointing up causing the younger boys to look up.

With that they left to go sit in their small tour bus. Everyone but Jeremy sat around the table, sharing laughs and cheesy puns. He felt left out, then realizing that he excluded himself. He would just bring the vibe down anyways. As he scrolled through his multiple social media apps, Josh lingered over. 

"Jeremy, you should come join us." Josh said with a soft tone, not to alert the others. Only a groan was muttered, as he continued to pointlessly scroll on his phone. Again Josh grabbed his phone putting it in his pocket.  Jeremy made a soft whine, frowning he laid over on the couch, twisting his torso to were he was face down. Josh stood there for a bit, soon leaving to join the others again. 

He ran the same line over and over again in his mind, 'What a jerk, I don't need that dumb phone anyways.' Coming back to reality he could hear Neil ordering food. 50 minuets passed, possibly even an hour, a knock came upon their bus door causing them to race to answer it, getting there first Kevin opened the door, it was the food. After paying, he lugged the food to the table.

Dividing the proportions onto flimsy paper plates, Alex called Jeremy's name. He slowly sat up, lingering he got to his spot at the table. They greeted him with smiles, having gotten Chinese food. He sat down, picking at his food, he ate a little. He lost some of his appetite. Neil playfully slapped him on the back. "Cheer up! And eat up, we're having family dinner son!" Neil joked, causing a small smile appear across his cheeks.

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